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ALPINE CDA-9852R 68-04123Z53-B (EN)
Make sure that the “FUNC” indicator light goes out,
then press the preset button in which your desired
RDS station is preset.
If the preset station's signal is weak, the unit automatically
searches and tunes to a stronger station in the AF
(Alternative Frequencies) list.
If the preset station and the stations in the AF list
cannot be received:
When the PI SEEK setting is on (refer to “PI SEEK Setting”
on page 9), the unit searches again for a station in the PI
(Programme Identification) list.
If there are still no stations receivable in the area, the unit
displays the frequency of the preset station and the preset
no. disappears.
If the signal level of the Regional (Local) station being tuned
becomes too weak to receive, press the same preset button
to tune in a Regional station in other district.
For presetting the RDS stations, refer to the Radio Operation section.
The RDS stations can be preset in the F1, F2 and F3 bands only.
Receiving RDS Regional (Local)
Press MENU to select the SETUP mode, then press
SETUP mode is activated.
Press or to select the RDS REGIONAL
mode, then press MODE.
Turn the Rotary encoder to select ON or OFF.
In the OFF mode, the unit automatically keeps receiving the
related local RDS station.
Press MENU to select RETURN.
After 2 seconds, the unit returns to normal mode.
Pressing and holding MENU for at least 2 seconds will
return to normal mode.
PI SEEK Setting
Press MENU to select the SETUP mode, then press
SETUP mode is activated.
Press or to select the PI SEEK, then press
Turn the Rotary encoder to select ON or OFF.
Press MENU to select RETURN.
After 2 seconds, the unit returns to normal mode.
Pressing and holding MENU for at least 2 seconds will
return to normal mode.
Setting PTY31 (Emergency Broadcast)
Turn PTY31 (Emergency Broadcast) reception ON/OFF.
Press MENU to select the SETUP mode, then press
The SETUP mode is activated.
Press or to the select ALERT PTY31
mode, then press MODE.
Turn the Rotary encoder to select ON or OFF.
If you set ON, emergency broadcast are received
regardless of source. “ALARM” is displayed during
Press MENU to select RETURN.
After 2 seconds, the unit returns to normal mode.
Pressing and holding MENU for at least 2 seconds will
return to normal mode.
When an emergency broadcast is received, the volume
level will be automatically changed to the memorized level
in the traffic information mode.
For details, refer to “Receiving Traffic Information” on page 9.
Receiving Traffic Information
Press TA so that the “TA” indicator lights up.
Press or to select your desired traffic
information station.
When a traffic information station is tuned in, the “TP”
indicator lights up.
Traffic information is heard only when it is being broadcast.
If traffic information is not being broadcast, the unit is set in
the standby mode. When a traffic information broadcast
begins, the unit automatically receives it and the display
shows “TRF-INFO” for a few seconds.
When the traffic information broadcast is over, the unit will
automatically set in the standby mode.
If the traffic information broadcast signal falls below a certain level,
the unit remains in the receiving mode for 1 minute. If the signal
remains below a certain level for over 1 minute, the “TA” indicator
If you do not want to listen to the traffic information being received,
lightly press TA to skip that traffic information message. The TA
mode will remain in the ON position to receive the next traffic
information message.
If the volume level is changed while receiving traffic information, the
changed volume level will be memorized. When traffic information is
received next time, the volume level will be automatically adjusted to
the level memorized.
In the TA mode, the SEEK tuning selects only the TP stations.
01GB00CDA-9854R.book Page 9 Thursday, November 10, 2005 2:42 PM

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