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ALPINE CDA-9852R 68-04123Z53-B (EN)
Initial System Start-Up
Be sure to press the RESET switch when using the unit for the first
time, after changing the car battery, etc.
Turn off the unit power.
Press (OPEN) to open the front panel, then
remove it.
Press RESET with a ballpoint pen or similar pointed
Adjusting Volume
Turn the
Rotary encoder
until the desired sound is obtained.
Listening to Radio
Press SOURCE/POWER until a radio frequency
appears on the display.
Press BAND repeatedly until the desired radio band
is displayed.
F1 (FM1) F2 (FM2) F3 (FM3) MW LW F1 (FM1)
Press TUNE/A.ME to select the tuning mode.
DX SEEK (Distance mode) SEEK (Local mode)
OFF (Manual mode) DX SEEK
The initial mode is Distance mode.
Distance mode:
Both strong and weak stations will be automatically tuned in
(Automatic Seek Tuning).
Local mode:
Only strong stations will be automatically tuned in (Automatic
Seek Tuning).
Manual mode:
The frequency is manually tuned in steps (Manual tuning).
Press or to tune in the desired station.
Holding down or will change the frequency
Manual Storing of Station Presets
Select the radio band and tune in a desired radio
station you wish to store in the preset memory.
Press and hold, for at least 2 seconds, any one of the
preset buttons (1 through 6) into which you wish
to store the station.
The selected station is stored.
The display shows the band, preset number and station
frequency memorized.
A total of 30 stations can be stored in the preset memory (6 stations
for each band; FM1, FM2, FM3, MW and LW).
If you store a station in a preset memory which already has a station,
the current station will be cleared and replaced with the new station.
Controllable With Remote Control
The CDA-9854R/CDA-9852RB/CDA-9852RR can be
controlled with an optional Alpine remote control. For details,
consult your Alpine dealer.
Point the optional remote control transmitter at the remote
control sensor.
Connectable to Remote Control Interface Box
You can operate this unit from the vehicle’s control unit when
an Alpine Remote Control Interface Box (optional) is
connected. For details, contact your Alpine dealer.
RESET switch
Remote control sensor
MODE Preset buttons
(1 through 6)
01GB00CDA-9854R.book Page 7 Thursday, November 10, 2005 2:42 PM

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