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•Press r to return to the previous mode.
Pressing and holding r for at least 2 seconds will return to normal
If no operation is performed for 60 seconds, the unit will return to
normal mode automatically.
GENERAL is selected on the setup main menu in step 2.
Setting the Menu Language
Set the language to be displayed on the unit.
Setting item: MENU LANG
Setting contents:
ENGLISH (Initial setting) / RUSSIAN / GERMAN / FRENCH /
The Owner’s Manual only describes the setup menu display when
ENGLISH is set.
Setting the AUX SETUP mode
You can input the audio of an external device, (such as a Portable audio
player) to the AUX connector of this unit.
Setting item: AUX SETUP
Setting contents:
AUX OFF / AUX ON (Initial setting)
When set to OFF, AUX source cannot be selected.
Set to ON when a portable device is connected. If SOURCE is
pressed and AUX is selected, the sound of the portable device is
input to the unit.
Setting the AUX NAME mode
You can change the AUX NAME display in the SETUP mode.
Setting item: AUX NAME
Setting contents:
AUXILIARY (Initial setting) / TV / DVD / PORTABLE / GAME
PORTABLE is abbreviated as PMD in the display.
Playing MP3/WMA/AAC Data (PLAY MODE)
(CDE-182R/CDE-181 Series/CDE-180 Series only)
This unit can play back CDs containing both CD and MP3/WMA/AAC
data (created in Enhanced CD (CD Extra) format). However, in some
situations, playback of an enhanced CD may be difficult. In this case,
you can choose to play back the CD data session only. When a disc
contains both CD and MP3/WMA/AAC data, playback starts from the
CD data portion of the disc.
Setting item: PLAY MODE
Setting contents:
CD-DA / CDDA/MP3 (Initial setting)
Only the CD data in Session 1 can be played back.
CD data, MP3/WMA/AAC files in mixed mode, and multi-session
discs can be played back.
Perform this setting before inserting a disc. If a disc has already been
inserted, remove it first.
Setting the Demonstration mode
This unit has a demonstration feature for display.
Setting item: DEMO MODE
Setting contents:
ON (Initial setting) / OFF / QUITE OFF
The unit starts the demonstration if there is no operation for 30
Quit the demonstration mode. Note that if this unit is
disconnected from the vehicle’s battery, the next time you use this
unit the DEMO mode will be ON.
Quit the demonstration mode completely.
DISPLAY is selected on the setup main menu in step 2.
Dimmer Control
Set the Dimmer control to AUTO to decrease the illumination
brightness of the unit with the head lights of the vehicle ON. This mode
decreases the unit’s backlighting at a certain extent at night.
Setting item: DIMMER
Setting contents:
DIM MANUAL / DIM AUTO (Initial setting)
Scroll Setting (TEXTSCROLL)
This CD player can scroll the disc and track names recorded on
CD-TEXT discs, as well as the text information of MP3/WMA/AAC
files, folder names, and tags.
Setting item: TEXTSCROLL
Setting contents:
SCR MANUAL (Initial setting) / SCR AUTO
The above information is scrolled only when a disc is loaded, a
channel or track is changed, etc.
CD text information, folder and file names, and the tag
information are scrolled continuously.
In parts of the display, scrolling may not occur, or scroll content may
General Setting
Display Setting

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Andere handleiding(en) van Alpine CDE-180R

Alpine CDE-180R Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 76 pagina's

Alpine CDE-180R Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 35 pagina's

Alpine CDE-180R Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 35 pagina's

Alpine CDE-180R Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Espanõl, Polski, Svenska - 76 pagina's

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