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Daniels Manufacturing Corporation, 526 Thorpe Road, Orlando, FL 32824, U.S.A.
Phone: (407) 855-6161 Fax (407) 855-6884 www.dmctools.com Email: dmc@dmctools.com
Copyright©2013 All Rights Reserved Page 1 of 6 Rev. M 10/13 MPT-250B-DS
General Description
The MPT-250B Wire Crimp Pull Tester is intended as a bench
top motorized pull force/ tensile tester capable of measuring
up to 250lbs to test the strength of crimped terminations.
Capacity: 250lb (113kg) (1112N)
Safe Overload: 150% of capacity
Readout Accuracy: ±0.5% of full scale
Resolution: 0.1lb (.1 kg) (1 N)
Speed Control Accuracy: ±1/8”/min @ 1-5”/min rate of pull
±1/4”/min @ 6-10”/min rate of pull
Standard Display: Pound, Kilogram, or Newton Units
Operating Temperature: 50°F to 100°F (10°C to 38°C)
Auto-Stop: Selectable to be enabled or disabled
Weight: 26lb, less options
Height: 8in; Width: 10in; Depth: 15in
Covers: Painted Steel
Universal self-tightening cam type lower grip (P/N 15-3202)
Ring terminal lower grip (P/N 15-0066)
Adjustable set point for motor stop at preset force
Base Environment Sound: 43dBA
Motor On (Max Speed-setting 10): 73.5dBA at 3’ (1m) from
surface of machine and 5.25’ (1.6m) from floor.
Note: The tool may be placed on top of a non-slip rubber
mat to further reduce noise transmission and vibration.
100-250VAC 50/60 HZ Single Phase
This unit conforms to CE requirements. For declaration of
conformity please contact DMC. See following picture for
representative data plate found on the back of each tool.
The MPT-250B Wire Crimp Pull Tester is a force
measurement device, and as such should be operated with
due caution. Operators should wear safety glasses for eye
protection because the crimp under test may break suddenly
and fragments may fly off.
Do not overload: The gear motor in the pull tester can
exceed the load limits of the load cell component in this
device. For your protection the MPT-250B has been factory
set to stop if the peak force exceeds 250lb. The unit is set to
automatically stop at readings above 249.9lb.
If the tool becomes inoperable or jammed for any reason,
press the STOP button, then the RESET button to try to
unload the specimen being tested. If this does not correct
the problem, STOP the tool, turn the POWER switch OFF,
unplug the tool and contact DMC.
Intended usage: The MPT-250B is intended to be used to
measure tensile strength of crimped connections from
28AWG to 10AWG wire sizes. It is not intended to be used to
tensile test material coupons, cables, or welded connections.
Typical Workstation: The MPT-250B is typically placed on
a well-lit and sturdy bench with sufficient space around all
sides. It is typically placed at a level so that an operator can
be seated in front of it and comfortably use the tool.

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