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iLive Fixed Format Getting Started Guide 20 AP7141 iss.5
Channel Ganging
Ganging lets you link selected processing and mix
parameters between input channels or masters, for example
the EQ, gate and compressor of a stereo keyboard, or the
GEQ of the L and R main mix. Ganging does not include the
input Preamp (gain).
To enter Ganging Setup mode and view and assign ganged
input or mix master channel parameters, select the
TouchScreen MIXRACK / Ganging page.
Ganged channels must be compatible input or mix types. Up
to 8 gangs can be assigned with up to 8 channels each.
The parameters available to be ganged are known as the
'attributes'. These include processing such as EQ and
dynamics, delay, routing levels and assignments and mutes.
Touch a numbered Gang box in the left hand pane. Press
the SEL key on the first channel strip you want to gang. Now
touch the screen Attributes tab and highlight the parameters
you want to gang. Touch Apply to accept the changes. Now
press the SEL keys for the other channels you want to add
to the gang.
The channels currently ganged are shown in the Members
tab and on the related fader strip SEL keys. To remove
gangs use the strip SEL keys or the Remove buttons in the
Members tab.
NoteDo not leave the screen in the Ganging page. To
restore normal operation of the strip SEL keys make sure
you exit the Ganging setup screen.
The Surface provides dedicated edit keys to let you quickly
copy or reset settings.
Hold down the COPY key and then press a SEL or MIX key
anywhere on the Surface to copy its related settings to the
'clipboard'. Now hold down the PASTE key and press the
related SEL or MIX key on the channel or master strip you
wish to copy the settings to. You can paste the clipboard
settings into multiple channels.
To reset parameters to factory default hold down the RESET
key and press the SEL or MIX key of the channel or master
strip or processing block you wish to reset.
Settings that can be copied and reset:
Any Processing Block SEL - Parameters associated with that
block, for example, just the Preamp, PEQ or compressor.
Channel, FX return or master strip SEL - All processing
parameters associated with that channel, but not the Preamp
settings or mix sends and assignments.
Channel or master strip MIX - Mix parameters including the
send levels, group and DCA assignments, but not fader
level, source or pre/post settings. For example, you can
copy one Aux mix into another as a starting point for setting
up that monitor mix.

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