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While in Clip Launch View (the
default), this 8x5 grid of buttons is used
to launch clips in Ableton Live. The 8
vertical columns represent 8 tracks in
the software while the 5 horizontal rows
represent 5 clip slots in each track. In
this view, the button LED colors
represent the following:
OFF – empty
AMBER – clip present, not
GREEN – clip present, playing
RED – clip present, recording
When the SHIFT button is held, this grid
will change to Session Overview. In
this view, each button represents an
entire 8x5 grid of clip slots in the
software (that is, each button
represents a different Clip Launch
View). Selecting one will change the
Clip Launch View. This allows you to
access and use more than the 5 rows
and 8 tracks represented by just one
Clip Launch View. While in Session
Overview, the button LED colors
represent the following:
OFF – no clips are present in this
8x5 grid
AMBER – clips are present in this
8x5 grid, which is currently
GREEN – clips are present in this 8x5 grid, which
contains clip slots that are currently playing
RED – clip are present in this 8x5 grid, but no clip slots
are currently playing
Examples: If you have 16 tracks with 20 clips in each track,
the "first" Clip Launch View will represent Clips 1-5 of Tracks
If you hold SHIFT and press the second button in the first row,
after releasing SHIFT the Clip Launch View will represent Clips
1-5 of Tracks 9-16.
If you hold SHIFT and press the first button in the second row,
after releasing SHIFT the Clip Launch View will represent Clips
6-10 of Tracks 1-8.
2. SHIFT – Holding this button down lets you access extra controller features (printed in amber on the
control surface), such as Session Overview or a track available in the NAVIGATION / TRACK
SELECTION section. You can change the mode of the TRACK CONTROL FADERS by holding shift
and pressing one of the RECORD ARM / FADER MODE buttons.
3. SCENE LAUNCH – These buttons triggers an entire row of clips, called a "scene." All clips in that
scene will be triggered, including those not represented in that Clip Launch View.
4. CLIP STOP – These buttons stops all clips playing in the corresponding track, including those not
represented in that Clip Launch View. Hold the SHIFT button and press any CLIP STOP button to stop
all clips playing when they reach the end. (This differs from the STOP button, which stops playback
Note: In the software, a red
rectangle around an 8x5 grid of
clips represents APC20's current
Clip Launch View. You can
change/shift the Clip Launch View
with APC20's controls (e.g. in the
Session Overview).
Note: If the current Clip Launch
View is "between" two 8x5 grids in
the software, both
representing those two grids will
10 10 10 11
12 12 12 13

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