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Important Safety Instructions (Cont.)
Keep clear: Do not climb onto or place any objects on top of the outdoor
unit. Supervise children to ensure they do not sit on the outdoor unit.
Air inlet/outlet: Never insert a finger, stick or similar object into these
openings. As a fan is rotating at a high speed, it will cause injury and/or
damage to the appliance.
Wind vanes: Do not touch the swinging wind vanes. Doing so may trap
your finger(s) and damage the driving parts of the wind vanes.
Windows and doors: To maximise efficiency, do not leave windows or
doors open for long when the air conditioner is operating. Open windows
frequently after using the air conditioner for a long time.
Inappropriate locations: Do NOT install the air conditioner units:
in a place where there are flammable gases or liquids.
in a place where it is directly exposed to sunshine (indoor unit).
Interference: In cases where severe interference from devices such
as mobile phones causes the air conditioner to shut off, switch off and
unplug the unit, then reconnect after several seconds and restart the air
Cleaning, Servicing and Repair
Disconnect before cleaning: Before carrying out any cleaning or
maintenance, make sure the unit is disconnected from the mains electricity
Plug: Keep the plug free of dust.
Indoor unit: Only dust the indoor unit. Do not use liquid or corrosive
cleaning agents on any part of the indoor or outdoor units.
Professional care: Cleaning and maintenance must be carried out by
specialised technical personnel.
Repair: Only have the unit repaired by an authorised service centre. Do
not attempt to repair the unit yourself. Incorrect repair could expose you
to the risk of electric shock, fire or injury. Prolonged use of the unit in such
conditions could cause fire or electrocution.
Please refer to the Installation Manual for safety instructions
specific to the installation of the indoor and outdoor units.
Depending on the mains electricity supply, voltage drops may occur when
starting the air conditioner, which can influence other equipment (for example,
blinking of a lamp). Should such disturbances happen, please contact your
local electricity provider for further information.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Akai AK-9000-RC

Akai AK-9000-RC Installatiehandleiding - English - 24 pagina's

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