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Important Safety Instructions (Cont.)
Usage Conditions and Restrictions
Domestic use: This appliance has been made for air conditioning domestic
environments and may also be used by expert or trained users in shops,
light industry environments and farm houses.
Intended purpose: This appliance should only be used as described
in this manual. It should not be used for any other purpose, such as for
drying clothes, cooling food etc. The appliance is not suitable for cooling
environments appropriate for long term storage of fresh food or precision
Common sense: These instructions are not intended to cover every possible
condition and situation. As with any electrical household appliance, common
sense and caution are therefore always recommended when installing,
operating and maintaining the unit.
Usage restriction: This appliance can be used by children aged from 8
years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, IF they have been given
supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and
understand the hazards involved.
Children: Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children
without supervision. Children should be supervised to ensure they do not
play with the appliance.
Dust filter: This appliance should always be used with the air filter mount-
ed. Operation without dust filter could cause an excessive accumulation of
dust on the interior parts with possible subsequent failures.
Exposure to cold air flow: Never remain directly exposed to the flow of
cold air for a long time, as direct and prolonged exposure to cold air from
the air conditioner could be dangerous for your health. Do not direct the
airflow onto plants or animals, as long and direct exposure to cold air could
adversely affect them.
Appropriate temperature: Take particular care with exposure to cold
air flow in rooms where there are children, old or sick people. The most
appropriate temperature should generally be no more than 5 degrees lower
than the outside temperature. Selecting the most suitable temperature can
also prevent damage to the unit.
Do not block openings: Do not obstruct the air inlet or outlet of the indoor
or outdoor unit. Obstructing openings reduces the operating efficiency of
the air conditioner with possible consequent failure or damage.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Akai AK-9000-RC

Akai AK-9000-RC Installatiehandleiding - English - 24 pagina's

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