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12. Can I change Airfree from one room to another?
Airfree must always be plugged in the same room 24 hours a day. Airfree’s patented technology works
gradually and cannot have its cycle interrupted. Moving it from one room to another will interrupt the cycle
and will recontaminate the room. See question 13 bellow.
13. Should I turn off Airfree when I leave house?
No. Airfree must always be on.
14. What happens if Airfree is disconnected or there was a black out?
Airfree will take approximately the same time to recover the previous reduced contamination level.
15. Does CADR measure the effectiveness of the Airfree?
Not at all. CADR is not designed to test the Airfree technology. The AHAM seal (usually found on the back
of an air cleaner’s box) lists three Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) numbers: one for tobacco smoke, one for
pollen and one for dust. The CADR indicates volume of ltered air delivered by an air cleaner. The higher
the tobacco smoke, pollen and dust numbers, the faster the unit lters the air. The main reason why CADR
is not designed for Airfree is because Aifree does not lter but destroys microorganisms instead, CADR only
applies to volume of ltered air delivered by an air cleaner as stated above. CADR does not measure micro-
organism reduction like mould and bacteria only detectable by a microbiology lab. Airfree destroys (not trap
or attract to other surface) any microorganism regardless of how small they might be. 99,99% of all organic
particles are fully destroyed when passing through the Airfree U.S. patented ceramic core.
16. How does Airfree destroy dust mites?
Mould reduction in the environment causes reduction in the mould dependant dust mite population. Airfree
also destroys the harmful toxins and fungus freed by dust mite feces that trigger respiratory allergies.
17. How does Airfree eliminate fungi?
As mentioned before, Airfree eliminates airborne microorganisms included fungi and spores. By eliminating
spores new colonies are unlikely to develop, representing less future airborne spores.
18. How does Airfree destroy viruses?
Those microscopic microorganisms are easily eliminated inside Airfree’s ceramic core capillaries. The tem-
perature inside of Aifree’s capillaries is much higher than required to destroy them. Airfree is your greatest
ally in respiratory disease prevention.
19. Does Airfree reduce tobacco smell?
Yes, Airfree reduces any kind of organic smell in the ambience including tobacco.
20. Does Airfree release any gas or chemical product?
No. Airfree’s sterilisation process is natural. Please check our website for conclusive tests regarding par-
ticles and ozone.
21. Does Airfree heat up a room?
No. Airfree does not noticeable increase room temperature. To have an idea 2 Airfrees plugged in the same
room will contribute as much heat as the presence of one adult in that same room.
22. Does Airfree provoke any change in room’s the relative humidity?
23. Does Airfree need lter replacement?
24. Does Airfree consume a lot of energy?
No. Airfree’s consumption is just 40 Watts for E40/P40, 45 Watts for E60/P60/BabyAir, 48 Watts for E80/
P80, 50 Watts for E125/P125 and 52 Watts for P150.
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