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1. How does Airfree work?
Airfree destroys microorganisms at its heated capillaries. Contaminated air is dragged into Airfree’s ceramic
core by air convection and microorganisms are destroyed at high temperatures regardless of how resistant
and dangerous they might be.
2. Are there any side effects?
No. Airfree’s new technology uses heat to purify the air. No side effects, no
emissions, NO IONS, nor new particles are generated. Airfree should be used in all homes and ofces, qui-
etly, constantly, and efciently purifying the air.
3. My Airfree does not stop blinking. What does that mean?
Cause 1: Airfree incorporates an automatic energy-saving feature by automatically shutting off the ceramic
core when it has reached a temperature range to facilitate air convection (air in the room is drawn into the
machine to destroy impurities, contaminants and odours). The ceramic core shuts down for a few minutes,
the indicator light turns off, and the top lights emitting diode (L.E.D.) blinks. Airfree continues to sterilise the
air during this time. This indicates the conservation of electric power consumption and the preservation of
the ceramic core.
Cause 2: Another contributory factor to Airfree’s blinking occurrence is the ambient air (air in the environ-
ment). When the ambient air reaches 35 ºC, Airfree auto-regulates itself with the ceramic core “shut off” for a
few minutes but still continues with its sterilising activity (the blinking of the top lights signals this occurrence).
In this process energy is conserved and Airfree’s safety mechanism is enhanced.
Cause 3: Airfree incorporates state of the art electronics detecting any improper placement or device mal-
functioning. If the top lights does not stop blinking, please ensure that your Airfree unit is in the upright posi-
tion. If the top and bottom air inlets are free of blockage, the blinking may be due to a faulty electrical outlet.
Please plug it in into a proper outlet. If in the next 10 minutes the top lights continues blinking and your Airfree
unit is correctly installed, this indicates that the device may be malfunctioning. Please promptly contact your
dealer in such case. (*) The Airfree® E40/E60/ E80/ E125 does not incorporate the Anti-stress lights.
4. Is there any risk when the top light of Airfree is blinking?
No. When Airfree electronics detect any irregularity it automatically shuts off the TSS™ ceramic core
(*) The Airfree® E40/E60/ E80/ E125 does not incorporate the Anti-stress lights.
5. What is Airfree’s air cleaning capacity?
E40/P40 was designed for rooms up to 16m². E60/P60 for rooms up to 24m². E80/P80 for rooms up to 32m².
E125/P125 for rooms up to 50m². P150 for rooms up to 60m². Airfree babyair for rooms up to m².
6. Can I install Airfree in my walking closet ?
Yes, as long as it has at least 330cu.ft (10m³)*. Airfree should not be placed under shelves or its efciency
will be reduced.
* as reference 330cu.ft (10m³) is approximately 7’x7’
7. Can I use Airfree in air conditioned rooms?
8. How do I know if Airfree is no longer working?
Check the top lid, if warm Airfree is working.
9. Can I place Airfree at the corridor to reach the whole house?
No. Airfree will just reduce air pollution in the corridors area.
10. Can I place Airfree in a closed room?
Yes. Please remember such a room must have at least 330cu.ft (10m3)*.
* 330cu.ft is approximately 7’x7’
11. Does Airfree eliminate bacteria and viruses?
Yes. Unlike the air lters in the market Airfree is more efcient with the smallest microorganisms as they are
easily carried by Airfree’s airow into its heated ceramic core.
Frequently Asked Questions

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