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Usage and Maintenance Instructions Ver.1 12/2012 (2532)
Position 2: Lying
When lying down place the unit
at a comfortable distance to
avoid overstretching your legs.
Make sure that your lowe back is
supported; we recommend that
you place a small cushion at the
base of your back.
Place your feet on the pedals.
Remove the Remote Control from
the surround on the unit. Follow
the instructions for switching the
unit on/off and use of the Remote Control.
When you finish the session, continue lying in the same position for a few
moments and then get up slowly.
Position 3: Seated (Upper Body)
Use a raised, fixed surface such as a
table so that the unit is at chest height
with the Remote Control area facing
you and sit on a stable chair.
Place the unit at a comfortable
distance to avoid overstretching your
Follow the steps for Position 1 to being
the session.
Switch off and unplug the unit, then clean using a non-abrasive cleaner or mild detergent
with a soft cloth. Abrasive cleaners and/ or abrasive cleaning pads may seriously damage the
product beyond repair and should not be used. Always ensure that you wipe dry the
equipment after cleaning.
Please make a safety check of the product at regular intervals or if you have any concerns.
Pay particular attention to fastening elements and tighten if necessary. If in doubt about the
safety of the unit do not use it. Please contact your supplier in the first instance for Technical
Assistance and if you require spare parts to replace worn components.
When used in a workplace, this product must be safety-tested yearly by a qualified
electrician (PAT Tested) in order to comply with the Electricity at Work Regulations.
We recommend that it is PAT tested regularly when used in a domestic environment.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Aidapt VA129SS

Aidapt VA129SS Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 16 pagina's

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