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Usage and Maintenance Instructions Ver.1 12/2012 (2532)
Thank you for deciding to purchase the Electric Mini Exercise Bike from Aidapt. The Electric
Mini Exercise Bike is manufactured from the finest materials and components available,
when used correctly it is designed to give many years of reliable trouble-free service.
Carefully remove all packaging. Avoid using any knives of other sharp instruments
as this may damage the surface of the product.
Check the product for any visible damage If you see any damage or suspect a fault,
do not use your product, but contact your supplier for support.
The mini cycle exerciser from Aidapt can help to improve circulation and muscle strength
and is ideal for those keen to exercise from the comfort of their own homes. It can be used to
exercise your legs seated or lying down, or on a table for arm exercises.
Attention! To reduce the risk of electrical shock:
Unplug the appliance from the mains socket immediately after use and before cleaning.
Carefully read through the instructions contained in this manual. It provides you with
important information about safety, use and maintenance of the appliance.
1. Make sure that the mains supply Voltage is suitable for the machine before
plugging it in (230 V). The holes in the wall socket must match the pin
configuration for the plug on the machine. If this is not the case please contact
your supplier.
2. This unit has been designed for home use only.
3. Never leave the unit unattended when it is plugged in. Unplug it from the wall
socket after each exercise session.
4. Place the appliance on a flat surface, with at least 0.5 metres of free space at the
sides and rear.
5. It is not advisable to keep you unit in a damp place for long periods as it will be
prone to rust.
6. Do not use the machine if the mains cable becomes worn or damaged.
7. Keep the mains cable away from hot surfaces.
8. Do not use the machine outdoors.
9. Do not use in bathrooms, or in wet or damp locations.
10. To unplug the machine first put the switch to the “0” position and then unplug
from the wall socket.
11. Please consult a medical professional before undertaking a new form of exercise or
using new exercise equipment.
12. As with all forms of exercise, do not use the machine if you feel unwell or
immediately after eating.
13. Always ensure that you perform an adequate Warm Up before and Cool Down after

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Andere handleiding(en) van Aidapt VA129SS

Aidapt VA129SS Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 16 pagina's

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