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Important Safety Instructions
Please read the following instructions carefully. This manual should be retained for future use.
1. To clean LCD Monitor screen;
-- Power off LCD Monitor and unplug the AC Cord.
-- Spray a non-solvent cleaning solution onto a rag.
-- Gently clean the screen with dampened rag.
2. Do not place the LCD Monitor near a window. Exposing the monitor to rain water, moisture or sunlight can
severely damage it.
3. Do not apply pressure to the LCD screen. Excess pressure may cause permanent damage to the display.
4. Do not remove the cover or attempt to service this unit by yourself. Servicing of any nature should be performed
by an authorized technician.
5. Store LCD Monitor in a room with a room temperature of -20° ~ 60°C (or -4° ~ 140°F). Storing the LCD
Monitor outside this range could result in permanent damage.
6. If any of the following occurs, immediately unplug your monitor and call an authorized technician.
* Monitor to PC signal cable is frayed or damaged.
* Liquid spilled into LCD Monitor or the monitor has been exposed to rain.
* LCD Monitor or the case is damaged.
7. A certified line is required to connect this device to a power outlet. For a nominal current up to 6A and a device
weight above 3 kg, a line not lighter than H05VV-F, 3G, 0.75 mm
must be used.
8. For use only with power supply LINEARITY LAD6019AB5 90D and Li-shin, LSE0218B1260 90D.
Chapter 1 Installation
Before unpacking the LCD Monitor, prepare a suitable workspace for your Monitor and computer. You need a
stable and clean surface near a wall power outlet. Make sure that LCD Monitor has enough space around it for
sufficient airflow. Though the LCD Monitor uses very little power, some ventilation is needed to ensure that the
Monitor does not become too hot.
After you unpack the LCD Monitor, make sure that the following items were included in the box:
* LCD Monitor * User's Manual
* 1.8M Monitor-to-PC VGA Cable * AC Adapter
* 1.8M Monitor-to-PC DVI-D Cable * 1.8M Power Cord
* 1.8M Stereo Jack Audio Cable * 1.8M S-Video Cable
* 1.8M RCA Jack Audio Video Cable
If you find that any of these items is missing or appears damaged, contact your dealer immediately.
Connecting the LCD Monitor and Base
When you open the box to take the base and put on the desk first. Then connect
the LCD Monitor and base and screw it locked please. (See fig.1-1 )
Figure 1-1
Viewing Angle Adjustment
The LCD Monitor is designed to allow users to have a comfortable
viewing angle. The viewing angle can be adjusted from -5°to
+20°.(See fig. 1-2).
Figure 1-2
Warning: Do not force the LCD Monitor over its maximum viewing angle settings as stated above.
Attempting this will result in damaging the Monitor and Monitor stand.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Acer AL1731

Acer AL1731 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

Acer AL1731 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 10 pagina's

Acer AL1731 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português - 10 pagina's

Acer AL1731 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanôl - 10 pagina's

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