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Standard Timing Table
If the selected timing is NOT included in table below, this LCD monitor will use the most suitable available
H. Freq.
V. Freq.
Pixel Freq.
H/V Sync.
640 x 480 31.469 59.940 25.175 -/- VGA-480
640 x 480 37.861 72.809 31.500 -/- VESA - 480 - 72Hz
640 x 480 37.500 75.000 31.500 -/- VESA - 480 - 75Hz
720 x 400 31.469 70.087 28.322 -/+ VESA-400-TEXT
800 x 600 37.879 60.317 40.000 +/+ VESA-600-60 Hz
800 x 600 48.077 72.188 50.000 +/+ VESA-600-72 Hz
800 x 600 46.875 75.000 49.500 +/+ VESA-600-75 Hz
1024 x 768 48.363 60.004 65.000 -/- XGA
1024 x 768 56.476 70.069 75.000 -/- VESA-768-70 Hz
1024 x 768 60.023 75.029 78.750 +/+ VESA-768-75 Hz
1280 x 1024 63.981 60.020 108 +/+ SXGA
1280 x 1024 79.976 75.025 135 +/+ SXGA
Note: When the in put display mode is not 1280 x 1024, the image is smoothly expanded to 1280 x 1024 dots with
the PW131 scaling engine. After expansion from 640x480, 720x400, 800x600, and 1024x768 resolution, the
text may look not so sharp, and the Graphics may look not so proportional.
This LCD Monitor has pre-adjusted using factory standard VGA timings. Due to the output timing differences among
various VGA cards in the market, users may initially experience an unstable or unclear display whenever a new
display mode or new VGA card is selected.
This LCD Monitor Supports Multiple VGA Modes.
Refer to the Standard Timing Table for a listing of modes supported by this LCD Monitor.
PROBLEM Picture is unclear and unstable
The picture is unclear and unstable, please perform the following steps :
1. Enter PC to “Shut Down Windows” status while you’re in MS-Windows environment.
2. Check the screen to see if there’s any black vertical stripes appear. If there are, take advantage of the
“Clock” function in OSD menu and adjust (by increment or decrement numbers) until those bars
3. Move to “Phase” function in OSD menu again and adjust the monitor screen to its most clear display.
4. Click “No” on “Shut Down Windows” and back to the normal PC operating environment.
PROBLEM There is no picture on LCD Monitor
If there’s no picture on the LCD Monitor, please perform the following steps:
1. Make sure the power indicator on the LCD Monitor is ON, all connections are secured, and the system is
running on the correct timing. Refer to Chapter 3 for information on timing.
2. Turn off the LCD Monitor and then turn it back on again. If there is still no picture, press the Adjustment
Control button several times.
3. If step 2 doesn’t work, connect your PC system to another external CRT. If your PC system Functions
properly with a CRT Monitor but it does not function with the LCD Monitor, the output timing of the
VGA card may be out of the LCD’s synchronous range. Please change to an alternative mode listed in
the Standard Timing Table or replace the VGA card, and then repeat steps 1 and 2.
PROBLEM There is no picture on LCD Monitor
If you have chosen an output timing that is outside of the LCD Monitor’s synchronous range (Horizontal: 30
~ 80 KHz and Vertical: 56 ~ 75 Hz), the OSD will display a “Out of Range” message. Choose a mode that
is supported by your LCD Monitor.
Also, if the signal cable is not connected to LCD monitor at all or properly, the monitor screen will display a
message “No Input Signal”.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Acer AL1731

Acer AL1731 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

Acer AL1731 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 10 pagina's

Acer AL1731 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português - 10 pagina's

Acer AL1731 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanôl - 10 pagina's

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