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what should I do if…
If the appliance does not work properly, this does not always mean that it is defective.
Try to deal with the problem yourself first. Phone the service department if the advice
given below does not help.
Cooking zones do not get
Metal-like marks on the
ceramic hob.
Scratches on the ceramic
Plug not, or not completely,
in the socket.
Fuse(s) in the meter
cupboard defective.
Incorrect cleaning material
Sliding pans across the hob
is the usual cause.
Put the plug into the
Check the fuses in the
meter cupboard.
Remove with a cleaning
material like Stahlfix.
Do not slide pans across
the ceramic hob. Any
scratches that have been
made by sliding pans
around cannot be removed.
daily cleaning
Clean the glass top after each use. You can use a mild
cleaning agent for this for example, washing-up liquid.
stubborn stains
Stubborn stains can also be removed with a mild cleaning
agent for example, washing-up liquid.
Remove water marks and lime stains with vinegar.
Traces of metals (due to sliding pans) can be difficult to
Remove traces of metals with a proprietary cleaning agent.
Remains of food that has boiled over are best removed with
a glass scraper. Melted plastic and sugar can also be
removed with a glass scraper.
never use
You should never use scouring agents. These cause
scratches in which lime deposits and dirt can accumulate.
Never use sharp objects such as steel wool and scourers.
stubborn stains on stainless steel
Remove with a special stainless-steel cleaning agent. Always
polish in the direction of the surface structure of the stainless
steel. In this way, you will prevent shiny patches occurring.
This damage is excluded from the guarantee. If stains cannot
be removed, clean the hob with the proprietary HG barbecue
grill & oven cleaner. Always treat the whole trim, to prevent
"colour differences". Always treat with a stainless-steel
polish/care product afterwards.
water marks; lime
stains; traces of

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