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GB 13GB 12
installation guide
This appliance conforms to current CE guidelines.
On the data plate, the total connected load, the mains voltage
required and the frequency are specified.
The data plate is on the underside of the appliance.
This appliance should only be connected up by a registered
electrical installer!
The electrical connection must comply with national and local
The appliance should always be earthed.
Damage caused by incorrect connection, incorrect use or
incorrect building in is not covered by the guarantee.
For the appliance to work well, it is important:
that the connection cable hangs freely and is not knocked
against by a drawer;
that the worktop is a minimum of 28 mm and a maximum
of 50 mm thick;
that the worktop is flat.
If the appliance is placed closer than 40 mm to the wall, the
wall should be of a heatproof material.
Even if the appliance itself does not get hot, the heat of a hot
frying pan, for example, could discolour or damage the wall.
electrical connection
230 V AC – 50 Hz
The power supply to the hob is via the oven or the separate
control panel. For this, see the installation instructions for the
oven or control panel concerned.
environmental aspects
disposal of packaging and appliance
The appliance's packaging is recyclable. The following may be
polyethylene film (PE);
CFC-free polystyrene (PS rigid foam).
Dispose of these materials responsibly and in accordance
with government regulations.
The government can also provide information about the
responsible disposal of discarded domestic appliances.

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