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Syn248 Installation and Configuration Guide Back to Contents
Installation 11
Site Preparation
This section describes how to prepare your site for a successful Syn248 system
Network Requirements
A switched network topology is recommended for your LAN (using standard
10/100 Ethernet switches that carry traffic at a nominal rate of 100 Mbit/s).
The office LAN infrastructure should use Cat.-5 (or better) cable.
The LAN connections to Syn248 devices should all be wired. However, wireless
connections to other devices (such as laptops) in your office network that are not
part of the Syn248 system will not impede performance.
All devices in the Syn248 system must reside on a single subnet.
A DHCP server is recommended and must be on the same subnet as the Syn248
system so that IP addresses can be auto-assigned. In most cases, your network
router will have a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server that will
automatically assign IP addresses to Syn248 devices in the system. By default,
Syn248 assumes that this automatic assignment will occur.
If no DHCP server is present, you can assign static IPs. DHCP or static IPs are only
required if the system is to be managed from a routable network and/or
automatic time updates from an NTP server are desired. Syn248 devices will
self-assign link-local IP addresses for all voice communication in addition to any
DHCP or static IPs that are assigned for management purposes. For more
information, see “Appendix B: IP Addresses and Connectivity” on page 104.
Unless you want to manually set the Syn248 clock and manually upgrade Syn248
software, an Internet connection to the LAN is required.
A DNS server is recommended to resolve the path to the Internet and to the AT&T
server for software upgrades.
If a routing path to the Internet is not available, the system administrator can
download the upgrade files and use the WebUI to upgrade the software
For users whose computers require a GigE Ethernet frame rate (a gigabit per
second), use separate Ethernet connections for the Deskset and the computer.
The Ethernet connection through a Deskset is limited to 100 Mbits/s.

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