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Glossary 114
IP address (Internet Protocol address): An individual numeric identification assigned to
devices on your LAN
key beep: When enabled, pressing a Deskset key plays a tone
LAN (Local Area Network): A communications network that allows data devices to
communicate with each other
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display): The screen that provides instructions and feedback
LED (Light Emitting Diode): A small light on a device that indicates status
link-local address: A local address used for network address creation when no external
source of network addressing information is available
live dial: Dialing after the phone is off hook
MAC address (Media Access Control address): A unique identifier assigned to most
network adapters or network interface cards that is required for registering your devices
main menu, Auto Attendant: The Auto Attendant messages and actions that are
available to callers before the callers take additional actions
MDI/MDIX: (Medium-Dependent Interface Crossover): A computer networking
mute: Stop sending your voice to the other party during a phone call
NTP (Network Time Protocol): An Internet standard protocol that assures time
synchronization in a computer network
Network Termination Unit (NTU): A device that terminates a network access point
off hook: Indicates that you are on a phone call, have lifted the corded handset, or have
pressed the SPEAKER or HEADSET key to answer a call or to prepare to place a call.
You are off hook from the moment that you hear a dial tone to when you hang up a call.
on hook: Indicates that no Deskset is active
operator: The extension that callers reach by dialing 0 (zero) when the Auto Attendant
operator feature is enabled or that system users reach at any time by dialing 0 (zero)
outside call: A phone call between a phone not a part of your Syn248 system and an
extension within your Syn248 system
P2P (Peer-to-Peer): A telecommunication system architecture in which some resources
associated with a device are directly available to other similar system devices
page: Broadcasts your voice to all idle extensions that do not have Do Not Disturb turned
paging zone: A set of extensions that can be paged as a group
Personal Directory: A private list of names and phone numbers available to only a single
POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service): Basic telephone operation. The ability to make and
receive phone calls.
predial: Enter digits before going off hook to place a call
PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network): The world’s telephone network

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