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ASUS P5Q-E Series
3.1.3 AFUDOS utility
The AFUDOS utility allows you to update the BIOS le in DOS environment using
a bootable oppy disk with the updated BIOS le. This utility also allows you to
copy the current BIOS le that you can use as backup when the BIOS fails or gets
corrupted during the updating process.
Copying the current BIOS
To copy the current BIOS le using the AFUDOS utility
Main lename Extension name
1. Copy the AFUDOS utility (afudos.exe) from the motherboard support DVD to
the bootable oppy disk you created earlier.
2. Boot the system in DOS mode, then at the prompt type:
afudos /o[lename]
where the [lename] is any user-assigned lename not more than eight
alphanumeric characters for the main lename and three alphanumeric
characters for the extension name.
A:\>afudos /oOLDBIOS1.rom
Make sure that the oppy disk is not write-protected and has at least
1024KB free space to save the le.
The succeeding BIOS screens are for reference only. The actual BIOS
screen displays may not be same as shown.
The utility returns to the DOS prompt after copying the current BIOS le.
3. Press <Enter>. The utility copies the current BIOS le to the oppy disk.
A:\>afudos /oOLDBIOS1.rom
AMI Firmware Update Utility - Version 1.19(ASUS V2.07(03.11.24BB))
Copyright (C) 2002 American Megatrends, Inc. All rights reserved.
Reading ash ..... done
Write to le...... ok
Updating the BIOS le
To update the BIOS le using the AFUDOS utility:
1. Visit the ASUS website (www.asus.com) and download the latest BIOS le for
the motherboard. Save the BIOS le to a bootable oppy disk.

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