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2-26 Chapter 2: Hardware information
2.8 Connectors
2.8.1 Rear panel connectors
1. PS/2 keyboard / mouse combo port. This port is for a PS/2 keyboard or
2. Coaxial S/PDIF Out port. This port connects an external audio output device
via a coaxial S/PDIF cable.
3. LAN 2 (RJ-45) port. Supported by Marvell
LAN controller, this port allows
Gigabit connection to a Local Area Network (LAN) through a network hub.
Refer to the table below for the LAN port LED indications.
4. IEEE 1394a port. This 6-pin IEEE 1394a port provides high-speed
connectivity for audio/video devices, storage peripherals, PCs, or portable
5. LAN 1 (RJ-45) port*. Supported by Marvell
LAN controller, this port allows
Gigabit connection to a Local Area Network (LAN) through a network hub.
Refer to the table below for the LAN port LED indications.
*To compliant with Energy Star 4.0, this port does not support WOL
(Wake on LAN) function.
Activity Link LED Speed LED
Status Description Status Description
OFF No link OFF 10 Mbps connection
ORANGE Linked ORANGE 100 Mbps connection
BLINKING Data activity GREEN 1 Gbps connection
LAN port LED indications
LAN port
6. Center/Subwoofer port (orange).
This port connects the center/subwoofer
7. Rear Speaker Out port (black).
This port connects the rear speakers in a
4-channel, 6-channel, or 8-channel audio conguration..
8. Line In port (light blue).
This port connects the tape, CD, DVD player, or
other audio sources.
9. Line Out port (lime). This port connects a headphone or a speaker. In
4-channel, 6-channel, and 8-channel conguration, the function of this port
becomes Front Speaker Out.

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