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Programming the remote control
The universal remote control o ers two
programming options. Setting via "Code
Search“ and "Learn function“.
"Code Search" function
1. Switch on the device you want to
operate (e.g. TV).
2. Keep the SET button and the
corresponding device selection button
(e.g. TV) simultaneoulsy pressed until
the LED lights up.
3. Activate the search function by
pressing the SET key (22). The LED will
start to  ash. Then keep the POWER
button pressed until the LED starts
to  ash quickly. After releasing the
POWER button, the LED lights up again
continuously. The LED  ashes quickly
at intervals of approx. 3 seconds to
indicate the activated search function.
4. Immediately after the device switches
o , press the device selection button
(e.g. TV). The LED  ashes slowly. To
save the found code, press the device
selection button once again. The LED
goes out.
Con rmation of the device code must
take place within one second.
5. Check the function of the keys on the
device. If several of the keys do not
function or function incorrectly, repeat
the search.
If this method proves unsuccessful,
use the Learn function to program the
remote control as described below.
Owing to the numerous di erent brands
on the market, complete programming of
all the functions of your original remote
control cannot be guaranteed.
Learn function
The universal remote control is able to
"learn" the individual key functions of
your original remote control. This function
can be used, e.g. when not all functions
are programmed via the "Code Search"
Do not use the following keys for the
Learn function: Light (16), SET (22),
LEARN (13) and Selection keys (2).
Use new batteries in both remote
controls to ensure trouble-free
1. Ensure that your original remote control
works perfectly.
2. Place both remote controls on a  at
surface and point both ends that are
normally aimed at the device towards
each other. The distance between both
remote controls should be 2 5 cm.
3. Keep the SET button and the
corresponding device selection button
(e.g. TV) simultaneoulsy pressed until
the LED lights up.
4. Press the LEARN key (13).
5. Now press the key on the universal
remote control to be programmed.
6. Press and hold the respective key on the
original remote control until the LED
ashes 2 times slowly. The programmed
key function is automatically stored.
If no button is pressed within
30 seconds, the remote control
switches back to normal mode
If programming is unsuccessful, the
LED will  ash 5 times rapidly.
Neon light can in uence
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until all key
functions on the universal remote
control have been programmed.
8. Finally press the LEARN key to leave the
programming mode. The LED goes out.
The keypad lighting can be switched on
and o with the light key (16).
When the keypad light is switched on,
the backlight illuminates each time a key
is pressed. This extinguishes after about
5 seconds if no key is pressed within this

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