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Problem Possible solution
The appliance does not
fill with water and drain
Make sure that the drain hose is in the correct position. The
hose may be too low.
The appliance does not
drain the water.
Make sure that the sink spigot is not clogged.
Make sure that the drain hose has no kinks or bends.
Make sure that the drain filter is not clogged. Clean the filter, if
necessary. Refer to 'Care and cleaning'.
Make sure that the connection of the drain hose is correct.
Set the drain programme if you set a programme without drain
Set the drain programme if you set an option which ends with
water in the tub.
The spin phase does not
operate or the washing
cycle lasts longer than
Set the spin programme.
Make sure that the drain filter is not clogged. Clean the filter, if
necessary. Refer to 'Care and cleaning'.
Adjust manually the items in the tub and start the spin phase
again. This problem may be caused by balance problems.
There is water on the
Make sure that the couplings of the water hoses are tight and
there is not water leakages.
Make sure that the drain hose have no damages.
Make sure you use the correct detergent and the correct quan-
tity of it.
You cannot open the ap-
pliance door.
Make sure that the washing programme is finished.
Set the drain or the spin programme if there is water in the
The appliance makes an
unusual noise.
Make sure the levelling of the appliance is correct. Refer to 'In-
Make sure that the packaging and/or the transit bolts are re-
moved. Refer to 'Installation'.
Add more laundry in the drum. The load may be too small.
The cycle is shorter than
the time displayed.
The appliance calculates a new time according to the laundry
load. See the ‘Consumption Values’ chapter.

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Andere handleiding(en) van AEG L73484NFL

AEG L73484NFL Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 28 pagina's

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