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Refer to Safety chapters.
13.1 Introduction
The start of the appliance does not occur
or it stops during operation.
First try to find a solution to the problem
(refer to the table). If not, contact the
Authorised Service Centre.
With some problems, the acoustic
signals operate and the display shows
an alarm code:
- The appliance does not fill with
water properly.
- The appliance does not drain
the water.
- The appliance door is open or
not closed correctly. Please check the
- The mains supply is unstable.
Wait until the mains supply is stable.
- No communication between
electronic elements of the appliance.
Switch off and switch on again.
- The anti-flood device is on.
Disconnect the appliance and close
the water tap. Contact the Authorised
Service Centre.
Deactivate the appliance
before you do the checks.
13.2 Possible failures
Problem Possible solution
The programme does
not start.
Make sure that the mains plug is connected to the mains sock-
Make sure that the appliance door is closed.
Make sure that there is not a damaged fuse in the fuse box.
Make sure that the Start/Pause has been pressed.
If the delay start is set, cancel the setting or wait for the end of
Deactivate the Child Lock function if it is on.
The appliance does not
fill with water properly.
Make sure that the water tap is open.
Make sure that the pressure of the water supply is not too low.
For this information, contact your local water authority.
Make sure that the water tap is not clogged.
Make sure that the filter of the inlet hose and the filter of the
valve are not clogged. Refer to “Care and cleaning”.
Make sure that the inlet hose has no kinks or bends.
Make sure that the connection of the water inlet hose is cor-

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Andere handleiding(en) van AEG L73484NFL

AEG L73484NFL Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 28 pagina's

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