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Thank you for purchase of this colour TV set. Please read this instruction carefully. You will learn how
to use TV set and what to do to prolong its service life.
For best results, choose a position where light does not fall directly on the screen and away
from sources of heat. Do not put objects with magnetic field nearby the television or it could
affect the quality of the colours.
Switch off and unplug the television and use only a lightly dampened soft cloth to clean it.
Do not use chemically active substances as these may damage the cabinet finish.
For convenience your television can be switched to standby with the remote control. To
preserve optimum picture quality (by de-magnetising the picture tube), we advise you to
switch off your television at the on/off switch regularly.
Your television is in conformity with the safety requirements of standard EN 60065.
Do not place anything on the television and ensure a minimum distance 10cm around the
apparatus for sufficient ventilation.
If your television mains lead or plug becomes damaged or requires replacement, switch off
your television, remove the plug from the socket and call a qualified service engineer.
Always situate your television on a solid and steady surface.
Never use a make-shift stand fixed with wood screws.
This television is meant to be used in the home in moderate climates (not in tropical climates).
Other use might be dangerous.
Do not expose the apparatus to dripping or splashing.
Never let anyone, especially children, push small objects into ventilation slots.
Route the mains lead where it will not be walked on, crushed, chafed, cut or damaged in any
Pull the mains plug out of the wall socket and disconnect the aerial during thunderstorms.
Do not use the television near water, for example near a bath, sink, and pool or in any damp
environment. Do not place objects filled with liquids, such as flower vases, on top of the
If you have spilt liquid into your television, or it fails to operate correctly, switch it off,
disconnect the plug and call a qualified service engineer. Never remove the back cover.
Ensure that the ventiliation is not be impeded by covering the ventilation openings with items,
such as newspapers, table-cloths, curtains etc.
Do not place naked flame sources, such as lighted candles on the apparatus.
Do not dispose of batteries in the domestic waste. Please return used batteries to the relevant
Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or
equivalent type.
collection point or the shop where they were bought. Never throw batteries into a fire!
Unequal battery types or new and used batteries may not be used together.
Mit farbigen Rechtecken gekennzeichneten Seiten, erscheinen auf dem Bildschirm des Fernsehgerätes
nach Betätigung einer FB- Taste der entsprechenden Farbe. (Abhängig von den Empfangseigenschaften
4. Um zum TV-Modus zurückzukehren, drücken Sie die Taste TV/TXT.
1. Sendet der Sender keine Videotext-Informationen, so wird nach dem Umschalten des
Fernsehgerätes auf Videotext- Modus auf dem Bildschirm oben eine schwarze Zeile mit der
Seitennummer eingeblendet.
2. Die Steuerung der Videotext- Informationen mit anderen Tasten wird im Text "Funktionen
der Fernbedienungstasten (FB)" S. 8, 9 beschrieben.
Steuerung des Videotextes (nur für Modelle mit Videotext)
1. Mit der FB wählen Sie den TV-Sender, der auch die Videotext-Information sendet.
2. Mit der Taste TV/TXT schalten Sie den Videotext- Modus ein.
3. Mit FB- Tasten 0,1,...9 wählen Sie die gewünschte Seite (3 Ziffern). Ihr Fernsehgerät fängt
an, die von Ihnen gewählte Videotext- Seite zu suchen. Kurz danach, erscheint auf dem
Bildschirm die von Ihnen gewählte Seite und die Videotext- Information.
des Videotextes.)

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