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AUG 05, 2002 7 of 8 PD99025-1
Additional features
Call screening
You can screen incoming calls by waiting for the caller to begin leaving a message (to hear who it is), you
may pick-up the line with using a parallel phone when there is someone on the line who you are waiting
for. The answering machine will stop recording automatically when you pick up an extension phone.
Toll saver
User can program the number of rings for the machine to answer or set as ‘Toll saver’. With ‘Toll saver’,
the machine answer the call after the second ring if there is new message recorded. Otherwise, it answers
after the fifth ring. User can differentiate whether the machine has new message. If it answers at the
second rings, there is new message, otherwise no new message recorded.
Memory full
There are 2 kinds of memory full situation:
1. During Memo/OGM/ICM recording, the machine becomes full; (The display symbol is ‘Fu’)
2. The memory has been full and somebody is trying to record new message through
Memo/OGM/ICM recording.
In both of the above situation, without OGM at the beginning, the machine will play “Answering
Machine Full” and then followed with a long beep. In case 2, there is no change in the ringer count for
ICM recording in memory full situation.
Remote wake-up
If the machine is off, user can wake-up remotely by dialing the phone number and wait for 10 rings. After
10 rings, machine will answer the call with OGM2. User can turn on answering (details in remote access
feature description)
Note: During the remote playback, there is a pause during message playback in around 2-3 min. Press a
key to continue the message playback while it is in a pause.
Battery Low indicate
If the voltage of the “9V” battery was got too low, the display will indicate symbol ‘Lo’, then the user is
recommend to change new a battery to safety keep the memory after power down.
Branch phone detection
The answering machine can detect the usage of the branch phone while recording messages. It will
automatically stop recording when you activate the branch phone handset or pick up the branch phone.
Note: The message mentioned by the caller, that before the branch phone is activated, will be saved.

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Andere handleiding(en) van AEG AB350

AEG AB350 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch - 25 pagina's

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