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A.O. Smith UK, Unit B8 Amstrong Mall,
Southwood Business Park, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 0NR
“A.O. Smith Water Heaters” is a trading name of Advance Services (Sales) Ltd. Reg.
Basic settings
With the illumination switched off, rst press on one of the buttons to switch the illumination on and then continue with the setting. Having pressed the last button,
the illumination will switch off after 2 min.
Menu structure at Basic level
Operational status Basic setting Timeprog. options Param Mode Info
Tech. Read-out
CH prog Set date and time Boiler param Cascade
DHW prog Timeprog. CH Other
Pump prg. Timeprog. DHW
Timeprg. CH
Timep. DHW
CH temp
DHW temp
Restore Defaults
In the table below you nd all sub settings of each parameter.
Water pressure
When the screen shows ‘FILL’ the water pressure is too low. Press, if necessary
the + or - button to read out the water pressure. Please contact your installer/
supervisor to check the installation and top up.
Turning the programs on or off
Proceed as follows:
(Switch on the main power supply switch).
From the standard blue illuminated screen:
1. Press the right arrow button:
Screen displays: Basic settings;
2. Press OK;
3. Press the right arrow button:
Screen displays: CH prog off/on;
4. Press the + (on) or - (off) key:
Screen displays: CH prog on or off;
5. Press OK;
6. Repeat procedure from point 3 onward.
This switches off the functions DHW prog. and
Pump prg. respectively.
7. Press the return button to return to the standard display.
Depending which program is selected the corresponding
symbol will be shown in the display.
In some cases it might be necessary to put the complete boiler out of operation.
The boiler is put out of operation by switching off the three functions (
and/or ). The frost protection will remain active. Leave gas supply open.
A.O. Smith recommends leaving the power switch switched on to ensure that the
boiler pump(s) and three-way valve (if available) are automatically activated to
prevent them from getting stuck.
If your heating system is not being used during periods of frost we
advise you isolate the power and drain the boiler and the system. In
this case: close the gas valve.
Error, maintenance and warranty
If a fault is detected the boiler will be blocked. This will be reected, with an E
for Error, a B for Blocking or M for Message and a number code on the display.
You can try to reset the boiler by pressing the Reset key once. If the problem
remains please contact your installer and inform them about the fault and give
them the number code.
If, on the screen the message “Service” appears, the installer must perform maintenance according to the installation and service manual. Please contact your installer.
We advise you to obtain a service contract with your installer for regular maintance and adjustment to keep your boiler safe and in good condition.
If you discover any leaks from the boiler contact your installer.
The casing of the boiler consists of metal and plastic parts which can be cleaned with a normal non abrasive cleaning agent.
It is in your own interest to register your warranty, visit the website www.aosmithinternational.com/content/product-registration and ll in the Pro-
duct Registration Form. Registering the boiler gives the owner of the boiler supplied by A.O. Smith Water Heaters the right to the warranty which
denes the commitments of A.O. Smith Water Heaters to the owner. You can nd the warranty conditions in the Installation and Service Manual
which is supplied with the boiler.
With the arrow buttons
you can go through the
different chapters.
Press OK to select or to
conrm a change.
With the + and - button
you can increase or
decrease a selected
Back to previous screen
or standard read out:
Press this ‘return-button’.
Basic settings Basic settings
Description Range
CH prog off CH-program on/off
DHW prog off DHW-program on/off
Pump prg off Pump program (frost protection) on/off
Timerpr CH off Clock program CH on/off
Timerp DHW off Clock program DHW on/off
CH temp 90
Adjusted maximum flow temperature in °C
(only active with connected outdoor sensor & P101=0)
DHW temp 65 Adjusted maximum DHW temperature in °C (only visible when DHW is activated) 10-80
Units SI Selection possibility units SI=Europe, Imp(erial)= USA SI/Imp
Language GB Language selection
GB, NL, I, D, F,
Restore defaults Reset of the factory settings (dependant of selected level)
Timeprog options Clock program options
Description Range
Set date and time
Set Time 00:00 Actual time setting in hours and minutes
Set Date DD-MM-YY Actual date setting day-month-year
Daylight saving Europe Zone for daylight saving Off-Eur-USA
12/24hrs 0-24h 12-hour (AM/PM) or 24-hour display AM/PM-24h.
Date format DD-MM-YY Reproduction of date display (DD-MM-YY, MM-DD-YY, YY-MM-DD)
Time prog CH (only visible when NOT OpenTherm or 0-10V)
Day temp T-day 20
Day temperature according heating line in °C
(if outdoor sensor is NOT connected: max flow temp.)
Night temp T-night 15 Night temperature according heating line (Eco) in °C 10-30
Select Preset Preset 1 Choice for the preselected time programm CH 1 or 2
Adjust Timeprog
mo1 off
See table time programs CH
It is possible to select 4 switch moments (steps of 30 min.) per day.
Choice: day temperature, night temperature, off, - - -
Copy function to next day: after switch moment 4.
Store Preset Store of the adjusted time program for CH
Timepr DHW (only visible when NOT OpenTherm)
Select Preset Preset 1 Choice for the preselected time programm DHW 1 or 2
Adjust Timeprog
mo1 off
See table time programs DHW
It is possible to select 4 switch moments (steps of 30 min.) per day.
Choice: on, off, - - -
Copy function to next day: after switch moment 4.
Store Preset Store of the adjusted time program for DW
Param Mode Parameter chapter
Description Range
Boiler param
Boiler parameters
P132 1 Pump continuously 1-2
2 Unit
P1 and installation
Info Information
Information of cascade system
T3 xx.x°C DHW temperature T3 in external cylinder in °C (if connected and P100 is selected for DHW)
T4 xx.x°C Outdoor temperature T4 in °C (if connected)
T10 xx.x°C Temperature T10 sensor in low velocity header in °C
Information of the boiler
T3 xx.x°C DHW temperature T3 in external cylinder in °C (if connected and P100 is selected for DHW)
Stand-by xx h Number of hours stand by
Burn. On xx h Number of running hours with burner on
Service xx h Number of running hours to go for maintenance interval
Ignition xx Number of times ignition
Faults xx Number of times in error
CH prog
CH prog
Remark: Depending which
parameter settings are set, some
options will not be displayed.

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Andere handleiding(en) van A.O. Smith Upsilon UB-70

A.O. Smith Upsilon UB-70 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

A.O. Smith Upsilon UB-70 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

A.O. Smith Upsilon UB-70 Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 72 pagina's

A.O. Smith Upsilon UB-70 Installatiehandleiding - English - 68 pagina's

A.O. Smith Upsilon UB-70 Aanvulling / aanpassing - English - 2 pagina's

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