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In this manual, symbols are used to highlight warnings and
cautions for you to read so that accidents can be prevented.
The meanings of these symbols are as follows:
This symbol indicates explanations about
extremely dangerous matters. If users
ignore this symbol and handle the device
the wrong way, serious injury or death could
This symbol indicates explanations about
dangerous matters. If users ignore this
symbol and handle the device the wrong
way, bodily injury and damage to the
equipment could result.
Please observe the following safety tips and precautions to
ensure hazard-free use of the MRS-802.
• Power requirements
The MRS-802 is powered by the supplied AC
adapter. To prevent malfunction and safety hazards,
do not use any other kind of AC adapter.
When using the MRS-802 in an area with a different
line voltage, please consult your local ZOOM
distributor about acquiring a proper AC adapter.
• About grounding
Depending on installation conditions, a slight
electrical charge may be felt when touching a metal
part of the MRS-802. If you wish to avoid this,
ground the unit by connecting the ground screw on
the bottom to a good external ground.
To prevent the risk of accidents, never use one of the
following for grounding:
• Water pipe (risk of electric shock)
Gas pipe (risk of explosion)
Telephone wiring ground or lightning arrestor (risk
of lightning stroke)
• Environment
Avoid using your MRS-802 in environments where it
will be exposed to:
• Extreme temperature
• High humidity or moisture
• Excessive dust or sand
• Excessive vibration or shock
• Handling
The MRS-802 is a precision instrument. Do not exert
undue pressure on the keys and other controls. Also
take care not to drop the unit, and do not subject it to
shock or excessive pressure.
• Alterations
Never open the case of the MRS-802 or attempt to
modify the product in any way since this can result in
damage to the unit.
• Connecting cables and input and output jacks
You should always turn off the power to the MRS-
802 and all other equipment before connecting or
disconnecting any cables. Also make sure to
disconnect all cables and the AC adapter before
moving the MRS-802.
• Volume
Do not use the MRS-802 at a loud volume for a long
time since this can cause hearing impairment.
• CD-R/RW Drive
Never look directly in the laser beam projected from
the optical pickup of the CD-R/RW drive since your
sight can be damaged.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Zoom MRS-802

Zoom MRS-802 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 180 pagina's

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