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Usage and Safety Precautions
In this manual, symbols are used to highlight warnings and cautions
that you must read to prevent accidents. The meanings of these
symbols are as follows:
Something that could cause serious injury or death.
Something that could cause injury or damage to the
Other symbols
Required (mandatory) actions.
Prohibited actions.
Operation using an AC adapter
Use only a ZOOM AD-16 AC adapter with this unit.
Do not use do anything that could exceed the ratings of outlets and other
electrical wiring equipment. Before using the equipment in a foreign country
or other region where the electrical voltage differs from that indicated on
the AC adapter, always consult with a shop that carries ZOOM products
beforehand and use the appropriate AC adapter.
Operation using batteries
Use 4 conventional 1.5-volt AA batteries (alkaline or nickel-metal hydride).
Read battery warning labels carefully.
Always close the battery compartment cover when using the unit.
Never open the case or attempt to modify the product.
Product handling
Do not drop, bump or apply excessive force to the unit.
Be careful not to allow foreign objects or liquids to enter the unit.
Operating environment
Do not use in extremely high or low temperatures.
Do not use near heaters, stoves and other heat sources.
Do not use in very high humidity or near splashing water.
Do not use in places with excessive vibrations.
Do not use in places with excessive dust or sand.
AC adapter handling
When disconnecting the AC adapter from an outlet, always pull the body of
the adapter itself.
During lightning storms or when not using the unit for a long time,
disconnect the power plug from the AC outlet.
Battery handling
Install the batteries with the correct +/- orientation.
Use a specified battery type. Do not mix new and old batteries or different
brands or types at the same time. When not using the unit for an extended
period of time, remove the batteries from the unit.
If a battery leak should occur, wipe the battery compartment and the battery
terminals carefully to remove all battery residue.
Connecting cables with input and output jacks
Always turn the power OFF for all equipment before connecting any cables.
Always disconnect all connection cables and the AC adapter before moving
the unit.
Do not use the product at a loud volume for a long time.
Usage Precautions
Interference with other electrical equipment
In consideration of safety, the
has been designed to
minimize the emission of electromagnetic radiation from the device and to
minimize external electromagnetic interference. However, equipment that
is very susceptible to interference or that emits powerful electromagnetic
waves could result in interference if placed nearby. If this occurs, place the
and the other device farther apart. With any type of
electronic device that uses digital control, including the
electromagnetic interference could cause malfunction, corrupt or destroy data
and result in other unexpected trouble. Always use caution.
Use a soft cloth to clean the panels of the unit if they become dirty. If
necessary, use a damp cloth that has been wrung out well. Never use abrasive
cleansers, wax or solvents, including alcohol, benzene and paint thinner.
If the unit becomes broken or malfunctions, immediately disconnect the AC
adapter, turn the power OFF and disconnect other cables. Contact the store
where you bought the unit or ZOOM service with the following information:
product model, serial number and specific symptoms of failure or malfunction,
along with your name, address and telephone number.
documentation are the property of their respective owners.
Note: All trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned in this manual are
for identification purposes only and are not intended to infringe on the
copyrights of their respective owners.

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