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MK-100301 EU_EN_Rev. 6.0 - US Rev. F
Pushing the mobility device on a slope, including ramps or
hills, will change the center of balance. Some safety reminders
1. Do not push this product on a slope steeper than 10%. (A
10% slope means: one meter in elevation for every ten
meters of slope length).
2. Do not turn or change direction on a slope or ramp.
3. For your child’s safety, ramps at home and work must meet
all legal requirements for your location.
4. Always stay in the CENTER of the ramp.
5. Use a ramp with guardrails (or raised borders at least 76
mm, (3”), high.
6. Always go straight up and straight down on hills or ramps.
7. Do not stop on a steep slope.
8. Watch for a drop-off at the bottom of a slope or ramp.
9. Do not engage the parking brake to slow or stop your
mobility device.
10. Beware of wet or slippery surfaces, especially on slopes.
11. Do not recline or tilt the shell while going up hills.
12. Ask for help any time you are in doubt of stability.
1. Work with your health care advisor to learn safe transfer
and lifting methods.
2. Have someone help you until you know how to do a safe
transfer of the dependent on your own.
3. Move your child’s mobility device as close as you can to the
location you are transferring to.
4. Rotate the front casters until they point forward.
5. Engage the parking brake before you transfer. This keeps
the device stable during the transfer.
6. When transferring a child into the device, make sure they are
placed as far back onto the seat surface as possible. This
will reduce the risk that the mobility device will tip over and/
or move away from you.
Follow the instructions below for descending or climbing a stair
or curb. Do not try to climb a high curb or step more than 100
mm, (4”), high, if the accessory tray, or rear glider platform is
installed. Doing so can risk injury to the caregiver, may cause
the device to exceed its balance point and tip over, and may
cause damage to your mobility device.
To descend a curb or single step going BACKWARD:
1. Stay at the rear of the mobility device.
2. Several feet before you reach the edge of the curb or step,
turn the device around and pull it backward.
3. While looking over your shoulder, carefully step back until you
are off the curb or stair and standing on the lower level.
4. Pull your mobility device toward you until the rear wheels
reach the edge of the curb or step. Then allow the rear
wheels to slowly roll down onto the lower level.
5. When the rear wheels are safely on the lower level, tilt the
mobility device back to its balance point. This will lift the front
casters off the curb or step.
6. Keep the mobility device in balance and take small steps
backward. Turn the mobility device around and gently lower
front casters to the ground.
To climb a step or curb going FORWARD:
1. Stay behind the mobility device.
2. Face the curb and tilt the mobility device up on the rear
wheels so that the front casters clear the curb or step.
3. Move forward, placing the front casters on the upper level as
soon as you are sure they are past the edge.
4. Continue forward until the rear wheels contact the face of the
curb or step. Lift and roll the rear wheels to the upper level.

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