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9.0 Maintenance and care
Safety Check
As the user you will be the first person to notice any possible
defects. We therefore recommend that before each use, you
check the following:
that the tyre pressure is correct.
that the brakes work correctly.
that all removable parts are securely fastened (e.g. armrests,
footrest hangers, quick-release axles ...).
if there is any damage/defect, please contact your authorised
Check the tyre pressure at regular intervals.
Check all tyres for wear and damage at regular intervals, at
least annually. Change the tyres as soon as there is any sign
of damage or wear.
Check the seat and back sling for wear and damage at regular
intervals, at least annually. Change these items as soon as
there is any sign of damage or wear.
Check all frame and backrest components for wear and
damage at regular intervals, at least annually. Change these
items as soon as there is any sign of damage or wear.
Check the brakes for wear and damage at regular intervals, at
least annually. Check that they are working properly and are
easy to use. Change the brakes as soon as there is any sign
of damage or wear.
Check to make sure all bolts are secure (see the section on
torque) at regular intervals, at least annually. All screws which
are critical to using the wheelchair safely have safety nuts.
Safety nuts should only be used once and should be replaced
after use.
A small amount of sewing-machine oil should be applied to
quick-release axles approximately every 8 weeks. Depending
on the frequency and type of use, we recommend taking your
wheelchair to your authorised dealer every 6 months to have it
inspected by trained personnel.
The wheelchair should always be stored in a dry place.
If you want to store the wheelchair for a long period of time, then
no further measures are required. Make sure that the wheelchair
is stored at room temperature in a dry place which is protected
from strong sunlight. Before using it again, the wheelchair
should be checked by an authorised dealer.
If torque settings are given, then we strongly recommend
that you use a torque measuring device, in order to check
that you have tightened to the correct torque.
You should only use genuine parts approved by Sunrise
Medical. Do not use parts from other manufacturers, that
have not been by authorised by Sunrise Medical.
Please use only mild household cleansers when your
wheelchair is dirty. Use only soap and water when cleaning
the seat upholstery and lap belt.
Depending on the frequency and type of use, we recommend
taking your wheelchair to your authorised dealer regularly,
but at least within a year, to have it maintained by trained
Sand, salt and sea water can damage the bearings of
the front and rear wheels. Clean and dry the wheelchair
carefully, after they have been exposed to these elements.
If your wheelchair should ever get wet, please dry it
The following parts can be removed and sent back to the
manufacturer/dealer for repair:
Rear wheels
foot rests
Anti-Tip tubes
Hygiene when being reused:
Prior to the wheelchair being re-used, it must be carefully
prepared. All surfaces which come into contact with the user
must be treated with a disinfection spray.
To do this, you must use a disinfectant from the DGHM list,
e.g. Antifect Liquid (Schülke & Mayr) for rapid alcohol-based
disinfection for medical products and medical devices, which
must be disinfected quickly.
Please pay attention to the manufacturer’s instructions of the
disinfectant you are using.
In general, a complete disinfection cannot be guaranteed on
seams. We therefore recommend that you dispose of seat and
back slings to avoid microbacterial contamination with active
agents according to § 6 infection protection law.

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