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Dear Customer,
We are very happy that you have decided in favour of a high-
quality product from SUNRISE MEDICAL.
This owner's manual will provide numerous tips and ideas so
that your new wheelchair can become a trustworthy and reliable
partner in your life.
Maintaining close ties to our customers means a lot to us at
Sunrise Medical. We like to keep you up-to-date about new and
current developments at our company. Keeping close to our
customers means: fast service, as little red tape as possible,
working closely with customers. When you need replacement
parts or accessories, or if you just have a question about your
wheelchair – we are there for you.
We want you to be satisfied with our products and service.
At Sunrise Medical we are constantly working to develop
our products further. For this reason, changes can occur in
our palette of products with regard to form, technology and
equipment. Consequently, no claims can be construed from the
data or pictures contained in this user’s manual.
The management system of SUNRISE MEDICAL is certified to
EN ISO 9001, ISO 13485 and ISO 14001.
As the manufacturer, SUNRISE MEDICAL,
declares that the lightweight wheelchairs conform
to the 93/42/EEC guideline.
Please contact your local, authorised SUNRISE MEDICAL
dealer if you have any questions concerning the use,
maintenance, or safety of your wheelchair.
In case there is no authorised dealer in your area, or you have
any questions, contact Sunrise Medical either in writing or by
Sunrise Medical
Thorns Road
Brierley Hill
West Midlands
Phone:0845 605 66 88
Fax:0845 605 66 89
Wheelchairs are exclusively for a user who is unable to walk
or has limited mobility, for their own personal use, when
self-propelling and being moved by a third party (pushed by
attendant) within the home and outdoors.
The maximum weight limit (includes both the user and any
weight of accessories fitted to the wheelchair) is marked on
the serial number label, which is affixed to the crossbar or
stabiliser bar below the seat.
Warranty can only be taken on if the product is used under the
specified conditions and for the intended purposes.
The intended lifetime of the wheelchair is 5 years.
NO NON-STANDARD PARTS are to be fitted, other than those
officially approved by Sunrise Medical.
Area of Application.
The variety of options as well as the modular design means
that it can be used by those who cannot walk or have limited
mobility because of:
• Paralysis
• Loss of extremity (leg amputation)
• Extremity defect deformity
• Joint contractures/joint injuries
• Illnesses such as heart and circulation deficiencies,
disturbance of equilibrium or cachexia as well as for
elderly people who still have strength in the
upper body.
When considering provision, please also note the body size,
weight, physical and psychological constitution, the age of the
person, living conditions and environment.

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