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nstall the device only when it complies with local regulations, by-laws and standards. The unit is only sui-
table for use in dry locations, indoors. Check the mains voltage and frequency. This unit is only suitable for
earthed sockets, connection voltage 220 - 240 V. / 50 Hz.
Before connecting the unit, check the following:
The voltage supply must correspond with the mains voltage stated on the rating label.
The socket and power supply must be suitable for the current stated on the rating label.
The plug on the cable of the device must fit into the wall socket.
The device must be placed and mounted on a stable surface.
The electricity supply to the device must be checked by a recognised professional if you have any doubts
regarding the compatibility.
This device is manufactured according to CE safety standards. Nevertheless, you must take care, as with
any other electrical device.
Do not cover the air inlet and outlet grill.
Never allow the device to come into contact with chemicals.
Never spray the unit with or submerge in water
Do not insert hands, fingers or objects into the openings of the unit.
Never use an extension cable to connect the device to the electric power supply. If there is no suitable,
earthed wall socket available, have one installed by a recognised electrician.
For safety reasons take care when children are in the surrounding of the device, as with any other elec-
trical device.
Have any repairs and/or maintenance only carried out by a recognised service engineer or your recognised
Zibro supplier. Follow the instructions for use and maintenance as indicated in the user manual of this device.
Always remove the plug of the unit from the wall socket when it is not in use.
A damaged power cord or plug must always be replaced by a recognised electrician or your supplier.
Do not operate or stop the airconditioner by inserting or pulling out the power plug. Only use the dedi-
cated buttons on the airconditioner or on the remote control.
Do not open the airconditioner when it is in operation. Always pull out the electrical plug when ope-
ning the device.
Always pull out the electrical plug when cleaning or servicing the airconditioner.
Do not place gas burners, ovens and/or stoves in the airstream.
Do not operate the buttons or touch the airconditioner with wet hands.
Note that the outdoor unit produces sound when in use, this could interfere with local legislation, it is the
responsibility of the user to check and to make sure the equipment is in full compliance with local legislation.
• The device MUST always have an earthed connection. If the power supply is not earthed, you
may not connect the unit. The plug must always be easily accessible when the unit is connected.
Read these instructions carefully and follow the instructions.
The airconditioner contains a refrigerant and can be classified as pressurized equipment.
Therefore always contact an authorized installation specialist for installation and maintenance
of the airconditioner. It is to be advised that the airconditioner is inspected and serviced on an
annual base by an authorized airconditioning engineer.
man_S10xx_uk.qxd 02-02-2007 14:38 Pagina 104

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Andere handleiding(en) van Zibro s 1026

Zibro s 1026 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 22 pagina's

Zibro s 1026 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 22 pagina's

Zibro s 1026 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 22 pagina's

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