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Dear Customer,
Congratulations on your purchasing an pellet boiler stove! We would like to remind you that pellet boiler stoves are the
most innovative heating solution generated by the most advanced technology, characterised by high-quality manufactu-
ring as well as a simple and elegant design. Ideal for any type of room, these products contribute to comfort thanks to the
cosy heat that only flames can radiate.
This manual will help you use your pellet boiler stove properly. Therefore, read it carefully and thoroughly before using the unit.
Stoves are fuelled only by wood pellets, up to 6mm in diameter. They are fitted with an exchanger that allows reaching a heat
yield of approx. 90%.
Pellet boiler stoves are fitted with a timer-thermostat that ensures an autonomous management of the stove as it can be pro-
grammed to turn on and off up to 4 times per week. Pellet boiler stoves take the heat to the radiators in the heating system,
with a thermal power that is adjusted according to the space to be heated: just set the heating system water temperature
manually. Recommended temperature: between 60° and 75°.
Pellet boiler stoves are fitted with cross-flow fans for hot air distribution which distributes heat through a forced-air system in
the room where the stove is installed.
Thanks to an optional kit, these stoves also produce continuous domestic hot water healthily, safely and automatically, wi-
thout the need for water storing.
Pellet boiler stoves have been equipped with highly advanced automatic devices and control and safety systems that ensure
efficient and practical operation.
Installation and maintenance operations should be carried out by qualified personnel, in compliance with the laws in force
and according to the indications specified by the Manufacturer.
This use and maintenance manual is an integral part of the product.
Before using, installing or servicing the product, read the indications contained in this manual carefully.
This pellet boiler stove should only be used for the intended use it has been designed for. Therefore, the user shall be
responsible for any damage to people, animals or things resulting from misuse of the product.
Installation should be carried out by qualified personnel, who will be fully responsible for installing the product
and ensuring its proper operation. The Manufacturer shall not be responsible in case of installation by unqualified
personnel or without complying with the general warnings and installation instructions.
For safety reasons, it is advisable to remember that:
• The pellet boiler stove should not be used by children or handicapped people not being assisted;
• do not touch the pellet boiler stove with wet parts of the body and/or bare feet;
• it is forbidden to modify the safety or adjustment devices without the manufacturer’
s authorisation or indications;
do not pull, disconnect or twist the electric cables coming out of the boiler even when it is disconnected from the
• avoid covering or reducing the combustion air duct, which is essential for correct combustion;
• keep all the packing elements out of the reach of children or handicapped people not being assisted.
In the event of a fire, disconnect the power supply, use an extinguisher and call the fire fighters if necessary. After that con-
tact the Authorised Assistance Centre.
After unpacking the unit, check all the parts are in good conditions and that no item is missing. Otherwise, contact the
dealer from which you purchased your pellet boiler stove.
Before installing the unit, it is advisable to clean all the ducts and pipes in the system very carefully in order to remove any
scales that may affect the stove correct operation.
Whenever the pellet boiler stove is not used for a long time, it is advisable to carry out the following operations:
• disconnect the power supply plug;
• close the water cocks of both the heating and the hot water systems;
• in case of risk of frost, empty the heating and hot water systems.
The pellet boiler stove extraordinary maintenance should be carried out at least once a year. This operation should be
scheduled in advance with the Technical Assistance Service and shall be at the Client’s expense.
The first two or three times your pellet boiler stove is started, fumes emitted by the varnish may cause unpleasant smells
due to hardening. Therefore, it is advisable to air the room properly, and avoid staying long in front of the pellet boiler

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