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Miscellaneous Issues
P1048261-005 11/5/15
Miscellaneous Issues
Table 17 identifies miscellaneous issues with the printer, the possible causes, and the
recommended solutions.
For videos of some common procedures, go to http://www.zebra.com/zt200-info.
Table 17 • Miscellaneous Printer Problems
Problem Possible Cause Recommended Solution
The control panel
display shows a
language that I
cannot read
The language parameter was
changed through the control
panel or a firmware command.
1. On the control panel display, scroll
2. Press OK to access the items in this
to scroll through the language selections.
The selections for this parameter are
displayed in the actual languages to make it
easier for you to find one that you are able to
4. Select the language that you want to display.
The display is missing
characters or parts of
The display may need
Call a service technician.
Changes in
parameter settings
did not take effect
Some parameters are set
1. Check the parameters and change or reset if
2. Turn the printer off (O) and then on (I).
A firmware command turned
off the ability to change the
Refer to the Programming Guide for ZPL, ZBI,
Set-Get-Do, Mirror, and WML or call a service
A firmware command changed
the parameter back to the
previous setting.
If the problem persists, there
may be a problem with the
main logic board.
Call a service technician.
labels are being
treated as continuous
The printer was not calibrated
for the media being used.
Calibrate the printer. See Calibrate the Ribbon
and Media Sensors on page 122.
The printer is configured for
continuous media.
Set the printer for the correct media type
(gap/notch, continuous, or mark). See Media
Type on page 94.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Zebra ZT230

Zebra ZT230 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 18 pagina's

Zebra ZT230 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 206 pagina's

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