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Copyright © 2010 ZTE CORPORATION.
All rights reserved.
Your mobile phone is made by ZTE CORPORATION.
No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means without prior written consent of ZTE CORPORATION.
ZTE and the ZTE logos are trademarks of ZTE CORPORATION.
The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. Every
effort has been made in the preparation of this manual to ensure accuracy
of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in
this manual do not constitute a warranty of any kind, expressed or implied.
Please read the safety precautions carefully to ensure the correct and safe
use of your mobile phone. For detailed information, refer to the section
“Safety Precautions”.
NO.55, Hi-tech Road South, ShenZhen, P.R.China
Postcode: 518057
Website: http://www.zte.com.cn
Version No. : R1.0
Edition Time : 20101021
Manual No. : 079584502257
Getting Started
Phone Overview
Display Screen
Navigation Keys
and OK Key
Right Soft Key
End/Power Key
Left Soft Key
Send Key
Alphanumeric Keys
* Key and # Key
Perform the
function indicated
at the left bottom
of the display.
Perform the function
indicated at the right
bottom of the display.
Press to end or reject a
In standby mode, press
and hold to power
on/off the phone.
Dial a phone
number or
answer a call.
*Note: The headset is only available for certain models. Your phone may
not support the headset.
Note: The pictures and icons presented in this manual are meant for
illustrative purposes only and may not accurately represent the actual
phone or the icons found on the phone. Your phone contains the most
up to date information.
Installing the Battery
Hook the edge of the back cover and lift it up to remove it, as shown 1.
in the picture.
Insert the battery by aligning the gold contacts on the battery with 2.
the gold contacts in the battery compartment on the phone.
Push down on the upper section of the battery until it clicks into 3.
Replace the back cover.4.
Removing the Battery
Make sure that your mobile phone is switched off.1.
Remove the back cover.2.
Pull the battery up and remove it from the mobile phone.3.
Charging the Battery
Use the battery up completely before charging the battery for the first
time with the procedure indicated below.
Do not charge the battery out of the temperature range of 0°C to 45°C.
Connect your adapter to the side of your mobile phone as shown 1.
in the picture. Ensure that the adapter is inserted with the correct
orientation. Do not force the connector into the charger jack.
Connect the other end of the adapter to the mains socket.2.
Remove the charger from both the mains socket and the phone once
the charging completed.
Installing and Removing the SIM Card
Make sure that the phone is switched off and the charger is 1.
disconnected from the phone.
Turn the phone over and remove the back cover.2.
If the battery is already inside, remove it.3.
Insert the SIM card into the card slot with its metal contacts facing 4.
the phone, as shown in the following picture.
Replace the battery first.5.
Replace the back cover.6.
To remove the SIM card, slide it out of the card slot.
Powering On/Off
Make sure that your SIM card is inserted and the battery is charged.1.
Press and hold 2. End Key to power on/off the phone.
Note: You may need to enter the Personal Identification Number (PIN)
or phone code if you have enabled PIN lock or phone lock feature.
Keypad Lock
To lock the keypad, press and hold * Key in standby mode.
To unlock the keypad, press OK Key and then press * Key.
Indicator What it means
GSM signal strength
New message
Missed voice call
Alarm clock
Battery status
Meeting mode
Outdoor mode
Silent mode
* Headset mode
* Note: The headset mode is only available for certain models.
Entering Text
Change input mode: Press
# Key to change the input mode (word
predictive mode, standard alphabetic mode, lowercase alphabetic
mode, uppercase alphabetic mode and numeric mode).
Input Letters: In alphabetic mode, press
2-9 Key repeatedly till the
desired letter appears. In standard alphabetic mode, the first letter
of a new sentence will be capitalized automatically.
Input Words: In word predictive mode, you can input text quickly
with a built-in dictionary. Press each key only once for a single letter.
The word changes after each key press. Press Navigation Keys to
select the desired word and press OK Key to confirm.
Input Numbers: In numeric mode, press
0-9 Key to enter numbers.
Letters and spaces cannot be entered in this mode.
Input Symbols: Press
* Key to select a symbol. In word predictive
and alphabetic modes, press 1 Key to enter commonly used symbols.
Input Space: Press
0 Key to input space. It does not work in numeric
Delete Character: Press
Right Soft Key to delete a character. Press
and hold Right Soft Key to delete all characters.
Note: The available input modes on your phone depend on your country
and region. They may not be exactly the same as illustrated in this
S510 english user manual20100928.indd 1 2010-10-21 11:15:52

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