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ZTE Blade A452
Mobile Phone
Quick Start Guide
Copyright © 2015 ZTE
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be
quoted, reproduced, translated or used
in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without the prior written
permission of ZTE Corporation.
ZTE Corporation reserves the right to
make modifications on print errors or
update specifications in this guide without
prior notice.
Product Safety
Do not use while re-fuelling.
Do not use hand-held while driving.
This device may produce a bright or
flashing light.
For body-worn operation maintain a
separation of 15 mm.
Do not dispose of it in a fire.
Small parts may cause a choking
Avoid contact with magnetic media.
This device may produce a loud
Avoid Extreme Temperatures.
Keep away from pacemakers and
other personal medical devices.
Avoid any contact with liquid, keep
it dry.
Switch off when instructed in
hospitals and medical facilities.
Do not attempt to disassemble.
Switch off when instructed in
aircrafts and airports.
Do not rely on this device for
emergency communications.
Switch off in explosive
Only use approved accessories.
Getting to Know Your
Before Getting
1. Remove the back cover.
2. Install the SIM card.
3. Install the microSD card.
Charging the Battery
When you first get your new phone you’ll
need to charge the battery.
1. Connect the adapter to the charger
2. Connect the charger to a standard AC
wall outlet.
3. Disconnect the charger when the
battery is fully charged.
Powering On/Off
Make sure the SIM card is in your phone
and the battery is charged.
Press and hold the Power Key to turn
on your phone.
To turn it off, press and hold the
Power Key to open the options menu.
Touch Power off and then touch OK.
Locking/Unlocking the
Screen and Keys
When your phone is not in use for some
time, it automatically locks the screen and
the keys to save power and preve
accidental o
perations. You can also lock
the screen and keys manually.
To lock the screen and keys, press the
Power Key.
NOTE: You can set how long the phone
should wait before it automatically locks
the screen and keys in Sleep of the
Display settings.
To unlock the screen and keys:
1. Press the Power Key to turn the
screen on.
2. Touch and hold the screen.
NOTE: If you have set an unlock pattern,
PIN or password for your phone, you’ll
need to draw the pattern or enter the
PIN/password to unlock.
Using the Touch Screen
Your phone’s touch screen lets you
control actions through a variety of touch
When you want to type using the
onscreen keyboard, select items
onscreen such as application and
settings icons, or press ons
buttons, simply
touch them with your
Touch and Hold
To open the available options for an
item (for example, a message or link
in a Web page), touch and hold the
Swipe or Slide
To swipe or slide means to quickly
drag your finger vertically or
horizontally across the screen.
To drag, press and hold your finger
with some pressure before you start
to move your finger. While dragging,
do not release your finger until you
have reached the target position.
In some apps (such as Maps,
Browser, and Gallery), you can zoom
in and out by placing two fingers on
the screen at once and pinching
them together (to zoom out) or
spreading them apart (to zoom in).
Rotate the screen
For most screens, you can
automatically change the screen
orientation from portrait to landscape
by turning the phone sideways.

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Andere handleiding(en) van ZTE Blade A452

ZTE Blade A452 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands, Deutsch - 154 pagina's

ZTE Blade A452 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 154 pagina's

ZTE Blade A452 Snelstart handleiding - English, Français, Italiano, Português, Espanõl - 154 pagina's

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