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Please read the following operating precautions before use.
YAMAHA will not be held responsible for any damage
and/or injury caused by not following the cautions below.
To assure the finest performance, please read this manual
carefully. Keep it in a safe place for future reference.
Install this unit in a cool, dry, clean place – away from
windows, heat sources, sources of excessive vibration,
dust, moisture and cold. Avoid sources of humming
(transformers, motors). To prevent fire or electrical
shock, do not expose this unit to rain or water.
Never open the cabinet. If something drops into the set,
contact your dealer.
The voltage to be used must be the same as that
specified on the rear panel. Using this unit with a higher
voltage than specified is dangerous and may cause a
fire and/or electric shock.
To reduce the risk or fire or electric shock, do not expose
this unit to rain or moisture.
Do not use force on switches, controls or connection
wires. When moving the unit, first disconnect the power
plug and the wires connected to other equipment. Never
pull the wires themselves.
When not planning to use this unit for a long period (i.e. vacation,
etc.), disconnect the AC power plug from the wall outlet.
To prevent lightning damage, disconnect the AC power
plug when there is an electric storm.
Since this unit has a built-in power amplifier, heat will
radiate from the rear panel. Place the unit apart from the
walls, allowing enough spaces above, behind and on
both sides of the unit to prevent fire or damage.
Furthermore, do not position with the rear panel facing
down on the floor or other surfaces.
<For U.K. and Europe models>
Be sure to allow spaces of at least 20 cm above, behind
and on both sides of the unit.
Do not cover the rear panel of this unit with a
newspaper, a tablecloth, a curtain, etc. in order not to
obstruct heat radiation. If the temperature inside the unit
rises, it may cause fire, damage to the unit and/or
personal injury.
Do not place small metallic objects on this unit.
Otherwise, the object may fall, possibly causing an injury.
Do not place the following objects on this unit:
Glass, china, etc.
If glass etc. falls by vibrations and breaks, it may cause
personal injury.
A burning candle etc.
If the candle falls by vibrations, it may cause fire and
personal injury.
A vessel with water in it
If the vessel falls by vibrations and water spills, it may cause
damage to the unit, and/or you may get an electric shock.
Do not place this unit where foreign objects such as
water drips might fall. It might cause a fire, damage to
this unit, and/or personal injury.
Never place a fragile object near the YST port of this
unit. If the object falls or drops by the air pressure, it may
cause damage to the unit and/or personal injury.
Never put a hand or a foreign object into the YST port
located on the front of this unit. When moving this unit,
do not hold the port as it might cause personal injury
and/or damage to this unit.
Never open the cabinet. It might cause an electric shock
since this unit uses a high voltage. It might also cause
personal injury and/or damage to this unit.
When using a humidifier, be sure to avoid condensation
inside this unit by allowing enough spaces around this unit
or avoiding excess humidification. Condensation might
cause a fire, damage to this unit, and/or electric shock.
Super-bass frequencies reproduced by this unit may
cause a turntable to generate a howling sound. In such a
case, move this unit away from the turntable.
This unit may be damaged if certain sounds are
continuously outputted at high volume level. For
example, if 20 Hz–50 Hz sine waves from a test disc,
bass sounds from electronic instruments, etc. are
continuously outputted, or when the stylus of a turntable
touches the surface of a disc, reduce the volume level to
prevent this unit from being damaged.
If you hear distorted noise (i.e., unnatural, intermittent
“rapping” or “hammering” sounds) coming from this unit,
reduce the volume level. Extremely loud playing of a
movie soundtrack’s low frequency, bass-heavy sounds
or similarly loud popular music passages can damage
this speaker system.
Vibration generated by super-bass frequencies may
distort images on a TV. In such a case, move this unit
away from the TV set.
Do not attempt to clean this unit with chemical solvents
as this might damage the finish. Use a clean, dry cloth.
Be sure to read the “TROUBLESHOOTING” section
regarding common operating errors before concluding
that the unit is faulty.
Install this unit near the wall outlet and where the AC
power plug can be reached easily.
Secure placement or installation is the owner’s
YAMAHA shall not be liable for any accident caused
by improper placement or installation of speakers.
(For China, Korean and General models)
The voltage selector switch on the rear panel of this
unit must be set for your local main
voltage BEFORE plugging this unit
into the AC main supply. Voltages
are 110-120/220-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz.
Standby mode
If the POWER switch is set to the ON position and the
AUTO STANDBY switch is set to the HIGH or LOW
position, this unit turns into the standby mode when no
signal is received by this unit for 7 to 8 minutes.
In this state, this unit is designed to consume a very
small quantity of power.
This unit is not disconnected from the AC power source
as long as it is connected to the wall outlet, even if this
unit itself is turned off. In this state, this unit is designed
to consume a very small quantity of power.
This unit features a magnetically shielded design, but
there is still a chance that placing it too close to a TV set
might impair picture color. Should this happen, move this
unit away from the TV set.
CAUTION: Read this before operating your unit.
Thank you for selecting this YAMAHA Subwoofer System.
120V 220V
2-SW015_G(E) cau(03.1.19)a 8/2/06, 6:39 PM1

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