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1 Start “Mickey Mouse March”.
Try playing the song “Gallant Pig” with a pig’s voice.
Choose the seventh song in the song list “Gallant Pig”. Next,
choose “Pig” from the instruments list. What do you think
will happen?
Doesn’t that sound funny? It sounds like a pig is singing “Gal-
lant Pig”. Try to play the melody yourself.
Try the same thing using other animal voices like “Cat”, “Dog”
or “Cow” for the melody.
Press the blue [SONGS] button two times.
You know this song very well. It’s “Mickey Mouse
Press the red [STOP] button, and “Mickey Mouse
March” will stop.
Next, let’s try to play along with the song.
2 Try playing along with the song.
If you are ready, try playing along with the song
on the keyboard. The melody disappears and you
can hear the notes you play.
Try playing the melody to “Mickey Mouse March”
karaoke style.
How did you do? If it was too hard to play, try
playing it at a slower tempo (the song’s speed).
3 “One, two, three, four!”. Try starting the
song like this.
Press the red [STOP] button to stop the song.
Tap the [TAP] button four times like this. “One,
two, three, four”.
Did the song play at the speed you tapped?
Is this an easier tempo to play along with? You
can also use the TEMPO [SLOW], [FAST] buttons
to adjust the tempo.
If you think it’s a little too fast, press the [SLOW]
button. You will hear a “PON”, and the tempo will
slow down a little.
If you think it’s a little too slow, press the [FAST]
button. You will hear a “PON”, and the tempo will
speed up a little.
One, two,
three, four.
The VOLUME [UP], [DOWN] buttons
Press the VOLUME [UP] button, the “PON” sound you hear will be a little louder.
Press the VOLUME [DOWN] button, the “PON” sound you hear will be a little softer.
If you press the [UP] or [DOWN] button and you don’t hear “PON”, the sound level is at its highest
or lowest setting and cannot be adjusted further.
Simultaneously press the [UP] and [DOWN] buttons to set the volume level to its maximum setting.
The volume is set to its maximum setting STAND BY—ON switch is set to “ON”.
When you press the blue [SONGS] button, the first
song in the song list, “Wannabe” will start. The next time
you press it, the second song “Mickey Mouse March”,
starts, and so on.
After the tenth song in the list, “Over the Rainbow”, the
next song to be selected will be the first song in the list
To start playback from the beginning of the selected song,
press the red [STOP] button to stop playback, then press
the [SONGS] button to start playback of the song from the
If the song is in 3/4 time, tap the [TAP] button 3 times.
If you tap the [TAP] button while the song is playing, the
song’s tempo will adjust to the same speed that you tapped.
If you tap the [TAP] button too slowly, the tap function
will not operate. If you tap the [TAP] button too fast, the
tempo will be set to 240 beats per minute.
The tempo can be adjusted between
q q
q q
If you press the [SLOW] or [FAST] button and you don’t
hear a “PON”, the tempo is at its highest or lowest setting
and cannot be set any faster or slower.
Simultaneously press the [SLOW], [FAST] buttons to re-
turn the tempo to its original setting.
If the keyboard is not played for one measure, the PSS-14
will play the melody again.
When you press the [SONGS] button to select a song, the
PSS-14 will automatically select an instrument that
matches the song for you to play on the keyboard.
Let’s listen and play!
Inside the PSS-14, there are 10 songs. First, let’s listen to the second song in
the SONGS list, “Mickey Mouse March”, and then try playing along with it.
Try this one
for fun!
Fun Fun Fun GUIDE
If you press the blue [BANDS 2] button three
times, the third song, “Für Elise”, in the BANDS 2
list will start playing.
Press the red [STOP] button, and the band stops
1 Start “Für Elise”.
2 Become a band member
(piano/electric guitar, etc.)
Try pressing the yellow 1 button.
What kind of instrument do you hear?
Every time you press the 1 button, a different
instrument plays. Use your ear to find the piano
sound, which is the first instrument in the yellow
1 list (COMBO).
Are you feeling like a pianist? See if you can play
along with the melody.
Press the yellow 1 button and the sound you
just played on the keyboard (PIANO) will change to
E GUITAR, the second instrument in the yellow 1
Are you feeling like a guitarist? See if you can
play along.
Press the 1 button again and try playing the
3 “One, two, three!” Start the band!
Press the red [STOP] button to stop the band.
Tap the [TAP] button three times like this. “One,
two, three”.
Did the band start playing at the speed you
You can change the band’s tempo, just like you
did for the song, by using the TEMPO [SLOW],
[FAST] buttons.
Have fun playing percussion.
Press the yellow 1 button so that “Percussion” is se-
lected, play on the keyboard and you will hear many differ-
ent percussion instruments.
Press the blue [BANDS 3] button, and play the “Sa-
fari” or “Carnival” .
OK, are you feeling like a drummer? Let’s play along with
the band performance.
Selecting normal instruments.
There are100 types of instrument sounds in the PSS-14. Let’s try to play some of the 25 normal
instrument sounds (shown on the panel).
Press the yellow 2 button once and the instrument that sounds will be the first instrument in the
2 INSTRUMENTS list (Keyboard/String).
Press the yellow 3 button once and the instrument that sounds will be the first instrument in the
3 INSTRUMENTS list (Wind & Mallet/Sound Effect).
The next time you press either of the buttons, the next instrument in the list will be selected.
Bass Drum
Rim Shot
Wood Block
Wood Block
m Sustain Piano m Ragtime Piano m Game Over m Piano
(Effect) (Phrase) (Funny) (Normal)
One, two, three.
Inside the PSS-14 there are 30 different kinds of band (accompaniment) performances. In the BANDS 1 list
you’ll find some great rhythms to play along with, BANDS 2 has some nice classic pieces with melodies,
and BANDS 3 has some fun pieces to play along with.
First, let’s listen to “Für Elise”, which is the third song in the BANDS 2 list. Just as if you are a member of
a five-piece band (COMBO), play along with the band.
Try playing in
the band.
When you press the blue [BANDS 2] button, the first song in the
BANDS 2 list, “Music Box” will start. The next time you press, the
second song “Gymnopedies”, starts, and so on. After the tenth song in
the list, “Waltz”, the next song to be selected will be the first song in
the list “Music Box”.
Press the blue [BANDS 1] button / [BANDS 3] button, and in the
same manner, the first song in the BANDS 1 list / BANDS 3 list will
start. Also, every time you press the [BANDS 1] button / [BANDS 3]
button, the next song in the list will start. The first song will be se-
lected after the tenth song in the list.
The band performance will continue to repeat until the red [STOP] button
is pressed.
To start the band performance from the beginning of the selected perfor-
mance, press the red [STOP] button to stop playback, then press the [BANDS
1] - [BANDS 3] button to start playback of the performance from the be-
When you select a band performance, the tempo that matches that perfor-
mance will be automatically selected.
When you press the 1 button for the first time, the first instrument
in the list will be selected. After that, every time you press the button,
the next instrument in the list will be selected. You can select from five
instruments (combo) in the 1 button list. The combo is a preset band
composed of standard instruments.
After you select percussion, the next instrument selected will be
If you press the yellow 1 , 2 or,
3 button, the selected instrument will
sound and then you can play that instrument on the keyboard.
Tap the [TAP] button 4 times if the band performance is 4/4 time.
If you tap the [TAP] button while the band performance is playing, the
performance tempo will adjust to the same speed that you tapped.
If you tap the [TAP] button too slowly, the tap function will not operate. If
you tap the [TAP] button too fast, the tempo will be set to 240 beats per
Selecting variation instruments.
See the “Instrument List” on the reverse side.
All of the instruments listed on the panel have three variations (25 x 3 = 75 types).
Look at the instrument list and try to select and play some of the different types of instruments (Effect/Phrase/Funny).
To select a variation instrument, press the orange
button. Every time you press the button,
Normal m Effect m Phrase m Funny m Normal m ...
variations will be selected in that order.
For example, when the piano (Normal) is selected, and the
button is pressed,
will be selected in that order.
When you press the button, the selected instrument will sound and then you can play the instrument.
Try this one
for fun!
The STAND BY — ON switch.
Slide the STAND BY—ON switch to the “ON” position and you
will be greeted with a fanfare and can play PSS-14. Slide the
switch to the “STAND BY” position to turn the PSS-14 off.
If you leave the switch “ON”...
If the switch is left “ON”, the PSS-14 will sound an alert. Make sure you
slide the switch to the “STAND BY” so that you don’t waste battery power.
If the switch is still left “ON”, and the keyboard is not touched for a period
of 10 minutes, a confirmation alert will sound. If the keyboard is still not
touched, the alert will sound every 10 minutes.

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