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PSR-A350 Owner’s Manual
About the Manuals................................................ 2
Included Accessories............................................ 2
Using the Music Rest............................................ 2
Formats and functions.......................................... 5
Setting Up
Panel Controls and Terminals 8
Setting Up 10
Power Requirements.......................................... 10
Connecting Headphones or External Audio
Equipment...................................................... 12
Connecting a Footswitch to the [SUSTAIN] jack
.. 12
Turning the Power On/Off................................... 13
Setting the Volume ............................................. 13
Auto Power Off Function .................................... 13
Selecting an EQ Setting for the Best Sound....... 14
Making the sound more spacious
(Ultra-Wide Stereo)........................................ 14
Display Items and Basic Operations 15
Display Items...................................................... 15
Basic Operations ................................................ 15
Playing a Variety of Instrument Voices 16
Selecting a Main Voice....................................... 16
Resetting the Voice settings to Default
(Playing the Oriental Voice)........................... 16
Playing the Grand Piano Voice........................... 16
Layering a Dual Voice ........................................ 17
Playing a Split Voice in the left-hand area.......... 17
Adding pitch variations with the Pitch Bend
wheel ............................................................. 18
Setting the Touch Response on/off.................... 18
Adjusting the Voice parameters.......................... 19
Using the Metronome ......................................... 19
Applying effects to the sound ............................. 19
Adding Harmony or Arpeggio ............................. 20
Using Oriental Scales 22
Setting Oriental Scales....................................... 22
Applying Scale Tuning to the Accompaniment
Tuning............................................................ 23
Registering the Scale settings............................ 23
Recalling the Scale settings ............................... 23
Playing Styles 24
Style Variations—Sections ................................. 25
Changing the Tempo.......................................... 26
Registering a Style file........................................ 26
Chord types for Style playback........................... 27
Looking up chords with the Chord Dictionary..... 28
Playing Songs 29
Listening to a Demo Song...................................29
Selecting and playing back a Song.....................29
Background music playback ...............................30
Song Fast Forward, Fast Reverse, and Pause...30
Changing the Melody Voice ................................30
A-B Repeat..........................................................31
Turning Each Part On/Off....................................31
Playing an External Audio Device with the
Built-in Speakers 32
Lowering the volume of a melody part
(Melody Suppressor function) ........................32
Using the Song Lesson Feature 33
Downloading the Song Book...............................33
Keys To Success ................................................33
Listening, Timing and Waiting.............................35
Keys to Success with Listening, Timing or
Waiting ...........................................................36
Phrase Repeat ....................................................36
Recording Your Performance 37
Track Structure of a Song ...................................37
Quick Recording..................................................37
Recording to a specified track.............................38
Clearing a User Song..........................................38
Playing the Keyboard with Two People
(Duo Mode) 39
Memorizing Your Favorite Panel Settings 40
Memorizing Panel Settings to the Registration
Memory ..........................................................40
Recalling Panel Settings from the Registration
Memory ..........................................................40
Disabling recall of specific items (Freeze)...........41
The Functions 42
Using with a Computer or iPhone/iPad 46
Connecting to a computer...................................46
Connecting to an iPhone/iPad.............................46
Backup and Initialization 46
Backup Parameters.............................................46
Initialization .........................................................46
Troubleshooting............................................. 47
Song Book Sample ........................................ 50
Voice List ........................................................ 60
Drum Kit List ..................................................66
Song List.........................................................71
Style List.........................................................72
Effect Type List ..............................................74

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Yamaha PSR-A350 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 80 pagina's

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