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*0 PSR-220/230 function as 16 MIDI channel multi-timbral
tone generator.
The Remote Keyboard channel can be set by the panel
The designated channels on the PSR-220/230 can be
controlled by an external device and receive the
following data:
• Note Off
• Note On
• Contorl Chanage:
Bank select MSB, LSB
Reverb depth
All sounds off
Reset all controllers
• Program Change
• Exclusive ( Panel voice / GM voice select )
*1 Bank select transmission: The LSB is fixed at 00H.
Bank select reception: The bank select MSB is used for
melody voice and rhythm voice switching.
MSB 00H: Melody voice.
MSB 7FH: Rhythm voice.
The bank select LSB is ignored.
The bank select on the channel 10 is ignored.
No voice change will occur when only a bank select is
When a program change is received, the latest bank
select value is used.
*2 RPN transmits and receives the following data:
Pitch bend sensitivity: BnH, 64H, 00H, 65H, 00H
Fine tuning: BnH, 64H, 01H, 65H, 00H
Coarse tuning: BnH, 64H, 02H, 65H, 00H
Null: BnH, 64H, 7FH, 65H, 7FH
*3 Reset all controllers.
Pitch bend, modulation, expression, sustain, sostenuto,
and registered parameter number are returned to their
default values.
Portamento is reset.
*4 Exclusive.
< GM1 System On >
F0H, 7EH, 7FH, 09H, 01H, F7H
All parameters except MIDI Master Tuning are reset to
their default values.
F0H, 43H, 73H, 01H, 14H, F7H
F0H, 43H, 73H, 01H, 13H, F7H
< MIDI Master Volume >
F0H, 7FH, 7FH, 04H, 01H, ll, mm, F7H
Allows the volume of all channels to be changed
simultaneously (universal system exclusive).
“mm” is used as the MIDI Master Volume value (“ll” is
The relation between MIDI Master Volume value and the
actual volume is the same as the one between control
change master volume value and the actual volume.
The default value for “mm” is 7FH.
This value is reset by a GM1 System On message.
< MIDI Master Tuning >
F0H, 43H, 1nH, 27H, 30H, 00H, 00H, mm, ll, cc, F7H
Allows the pitch of all channels to be changed
“mm, ll” is used as the MIDI Master Tuning value, and
the actual tuning value is represented as follows:
T = M x 200 / 256 - 100
Where T is the actual tuning value in cents. M is decimal
value represented by 1-byte using bits 0..3 of “mm” as
the MSB and bits 0..3 of “ll” as the LSB.
The default values of “mm” and “ll” are 07H and 0FH,
“n” and “cc” are also recognized.
This value is not reset by a GM1 System On or Reset All
Controllers message.
< Panel Voice >
F0H, 43H, 76H, 1BH, cc, vv, F7H
This message alternately selects Panel voice or GM
cc: MIDI channel
vv: 00 = GM voice mode, 01 = Panel voice mode
*5 Internal / External clock selectable.
*6 Start / Stop message is transmitted.
Start / Stop message is received as a message for
ablle / Table d'implémentation / Gráfico de implememtación
GM System Level 1
The existing MIDI protocol allows performance and other data to be transferred between different instruments, even
if they are from different manufacturers. This means, for example, that sequence data that was originally created to
control a tone generator from manufacturer A can also be used to control a different tone generator from manufacturer
B. Since the voice allocation in different devices from different manufacturers is usually different, however, appropriate
program change data must be transmitted to select the right voices.
The General MIDI protocol was developed to minimize confusion and the need for re-programming when playing
software created by one MIDI device on another. This has been achieved by defining a standard voice allocation in
which the same or similar voices are accessed by the same program change numbers or MIDI channels. The current
standard recognized by the International MIDI Association is known as “GM System Level 1.” The PSR-230/220 voice
allocation complies with the GM System Level 1 standard.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Yamaha PSR-230

Yamaha PSR-230 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 51 pagina's

Yamaha PSR-230 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 51 pagina's

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