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If your cassette deck fails to operate normally, check the following table. It lists common operating errors and simple measures
which you can take to correct the problem. If it cannot be corrected, or the symptom is not listed, disconnect the deck’s power
cord and contact your authorized YAMAHA dealer or authorized service center for help.
÷ Power plug is not properly plugged in.
÷ Cassette shell is warped or damaged.
÷ No cassette tape loaded.
÷ Protective tabs are broken off.
÷ Head is dirty.
÷ Head is magnetized.
÷ Tape is damaged or of poor quality.
÷ Tape is bad (stretched, deformed, etc.).
÷ Cassette shell is warped.
÷ Recording level is too high.
÷ Faulty connection between deck and stereo
÷ Head is dirty.
÷ Head is magnetized.
÷ Worn out or poor quality tape.
÷ Connection(s) improperly made.
÷ Affected by external electrical noise.
÷ Dirty capstan, pinch roller, etc., or poor tape.
÷ Tape is wound unevenly.
÷ Slack tape, or tape spillage wound around
÷ REC LEVEL control is set to too low.
÷ Protective tabs are broken off.
÷ Blank section is too short.
÷ Recorded section has low-level portions.
÷ Conversation, etc. has been recorded.
÷ Dolby NR-recorded tape is played back in OFF
÷ Normally-recorded tape is played back in Dolby
÷ Heads are dirty.
÷ Heads are magnetized.
÷ Basic levels are different for different cassette
÷ The batteries are exhausted.
÷ The remote control transmitter is operated from
an incorrect distance or angle.
÷ The remote control sensor is lighted strongly.
÷ Reinsert plug properly.
÷ Do not play damaged tapes.
÷ Load a cassette tape.
÷ Change tape or cover protective hole with
adhesive tape.
÷ Clean head.
÷ Demagnetize head using head demagnetizer.
÷ Change to a different tape.
÷ Replace with a fresh tape.
÷ A warped cassette shell cannot be fixed.
Replace with another tape and test.
÷ Check input level with signal level meter and
use lower rec level when recording.
÷ Check and secure connections.
÷ Clean head.
÷ Demagnetize head with head demagnetizer.
÷ Change to better tape.
÷ Check input and output connections and
reinsert properly.
÷ Move deck away from electrical appliances
(TV, fluorescent light, electric blanket, etc.).
÷ Clean capstan and pinch roller, or change to
better tape.
÷ Rewind tape.
÷ Insert pencil in hole in cassette shell and turn
to take up slack.
÷ Adjust REC LEVEL control.
÷ Change tape or cover protective hole with
adhesive tape.
÷ Blank sections must be at least 4 seconds
÷ No remedy
÷ No remedy
÷ Play back in appropriate Dolby NR position.
÷ Play back in OFF position.
÷ Clean heads and carry out demagnetization
with head demagnetizer.
÷ This is not a fault.
÷ Replace batteries.
÷ Operate it from less than 7 meters (about 23
ft.) and 30°.
÷ Place the unit away from the strong light.
Tape doesn’t move in recording or playback.
REC/PAUSE button fails to function.
Sounds become faint and sometimes
Recorded sound is distorted.
Tape is playing back, but no sound is heard.
Excessive noise.
Excessive wow (wavering of the sound).
Tape stops in the middle of recording or
Fails to record.
Search does not operate correctly.
High frequencies in the playback sound are
emphasized and unpleasant to listen to, and
noise level (hiss) is also high.
Playback sound is muffled and high
frequencies are inaudible.
When playing back tapes recorded on other
decks, meter deflections are greater
(smaller) than when recorded.
The remote control transmitter cannot be

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