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The application dedicated to mobile
devices does not detect the unit.
The MAC address filter is enabled on the unit.
In [Advanced Setup] in the option menu of the unit, set [MAC Add.Filter] to
[OFF] or specify the MAC address of your mobile devices to allow it to
access to the unit (& P.36).
The unit and mobile devices are not in the same network.
Check the network connections and your router settings, and then connect
the unit and mobile device to the same network.
Your mobile device is connected to the secondary SSID of a router
supporting multi SSID.
When your mobile device is connected to the secondary SSID, access to the
device connecting to the primary SSID or LAN is restricted (only Internet
access is available). Connect your mobile device to the primary SSID.
Multiple routers are connected between your network devices (double
Disconnect Internet temporarily, check the local network, and connect the
network device you wish to use to the same router.
Update of the firmware via network failed. The network connection is unstable.
Try updating again after a while. Or update the firmware via USB memory
(& P.34).
Problem Cause Solution
Problem Cause Solution
No sound.
The iPod is not connected properly. Reconnect the iPod to the USB jack (& P.15).
The iPod software version is out of date.
Download the latest iTunes software from Apple’s website to update the
iPod software version.
The iPod is in the process of connecting with the unit. Please wait for a while.
The iPod cannot be operated by the iPod,
unit, or remote control.
The iPod is not supported by this unit. Use a supported iPod (& P.43).
The iPod is not connected properly. Reconnect the iPod to the USB jack (& P.15).
The iPod software version is out of date.
Download the latest iTunes software from Apple’s website to update the
iPod software version. If the problem cannot be solved, even with the latest
software, reset the iPod.
When the display mode for iPod is set to the standard mode, the unit or
remote control cannot control an iPod. When in the extended mode, iPod
does not function for controlling itself.
Check the display mode (& P.16).
The playback information is not shown on
the front panel display.
The iPod does not support display of playback information.
This function is only available with an iPod suitably supported by this unit
(& P.43).
The display mode is set to the standard mode. Change the display mode to the extended mode (& P.16).

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