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Thank you for choosing a Yamaha CLP-121S Clavinova. Your Clavinova is a fine musical in-
strument that employs advanced Yamaha music technology. With the proper care, your
Clavinova will give you many years of musical pleasure.
Yamaha’s AWM (Advanced Wave Memory) tone generator system offers rich, realistic voices.
Piano-like touch response provides extensive expressive control and outstanding playability.
Dual play mode allows 2 voices to be played simultaneously.
Unique Clavinova Tone voice provides a fresh sound for new musical expression.
MIDI compatibility and a range of MIDI functions make the Clavinova useful in a range of advanced
MIDI music systems.
In order to make the most of your Clavinovas performance potential and features, we urge you
to read this Owners Manual thoroughly, and keep it in a safe place for later reference.
Your Clavinova is a fine musical instrument, and deserves the most careful treatment.
Observe the following points and your Clavinova will sound and look great for many years.
1 Never open the case and touch or tamper with the inter-
nal circuitry.
2 Always turn the POWER switch OFF after use, and
cover the keyboard with the dust cover provided.
3 Clean the cabinet and keys of your Clavinova only with
a clean, slightly damp cloth. A neutral cleanser may be
used if desired. Never use abrasive cleansers, waxes,
solvents or chemical dust cloths since these can dull or
damage the finish.
4 Never place any vinyl products on your Clavinova. Con-
tact with vinyl can cause irreversible damage to the
5 Install your Clavinova in a place that is away from di-
rect sunlight, excessive humidity or heat.
6 Never apply excessive force to the controls, connectors
or other parts of your Clavinova, and avoid scratching
or bumping it with hard objects.
7 Make sure that your local AC mains voltage matches the
voltage specified on the name plate.* In some areas a
voltage selector may be provided on the rear panel of
the main unit. Make sure that the voltage selector is set
for the voltage in your area.
* Name Plate Location
The CLP-121S name plate is located on the bottom
Taking Care Of Your Clavinova

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Andere handleiding(en) van Yamaha CLP121S

Yamaha CLP121S Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 25 pagina's

Yamaha CLP121S Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 25 pagina's

Yamaha CLP121S Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 25 pagina's

Yamaha CLP121S Gebruiksaanwijzing - Svenska - 21 pagina's

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