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FT-991 OperaTing Manual
cW Spotting
“Spotting” (zeroing in on a received CW station) is a handy technique to ensure you and the other station are precisely
on the same frequency.
The Tuning Offset Indicator in the display may also be observed so you can adjust the receiver frequency to center the
incoming station on the pitch corresponding to that of your transmitted signal.
Using the Auto Zeroing System
Press the
button, then touch
on the
LCD to cause the receiving frequency to zero-in auto-
matically while receiving the CW signal.
F(M-LIST) Button
Using the SPOT System
1. Press the
button to display the function
2. Touch
on the LCD. The Monitor function
will be set to “
”. The
knob will function
as the MONITOR adjustment knob.
F(M-LIST) Button
MONI (Monitor) indicator
MONI (Monitor) level indicator
3. Touch
on the LCD. While you are press-
ing and holding
, the tone is output from the
In a tough DX pile-up, you may actually want to
use the SPOT system to nd a “gap” in the spread
of calling stations, instead of zeroing in precisely
on the last station being worked by the DX station.
From the DX side, if a dozen or more operators (also
using Yaesu’s SPOT system) all call precisely on the
same frequency, their dots and dashes merge into a
single, long tone that the DX station cannot decipher.
In such situations, calling slightly higher or lower in
frequency may get your call through.
quick pointS:
The displayed frequency on CW normally reflects
the “zero beat” frequency of your offset carrier. That
is, if you were to listen on USB on 14.100.00 MHz
to a signal with a 700 Hz offset, the “zero beat” fre-
quency of that CW carrier would be 14.100.70 MHz;
the latter frequency is what the
displays, by
default. However, you can change the display to be
identical to what you would see on SSB by using
Menu item “
” and setting
it to “
” instead of the default “
” setting.
cw convenience features

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