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Page 22
OperaTing Manual
Operating Mode Indicators
Displays the current operating mode.
VFO-A Operating in VFO-A mode
MEM Operating in memory mode
MT The memory tuning feature is in use
QMB Operating with the quick memory feature
PMS Programmable memory scanning
MCK The memory check function is in use
HOME Recalling the home channel
EMG Recalling the frequency for emergency contact
Current Mode
(Modulation Form) Indicator
Displays the current modulation form.
HI-SWR Indicator
Indicates antenna matching errors.
When this warning appears, stop transmitting immedi-
ately, check and repair the antenna, connectors, cables,
MULTI Knob Operations
Displays the functions operated with the
(see page 19).
The progress bar shows the operation status.
RF-P Adjusts transmission output
MIC-G Adjusts the microphone gain
NB-L Adjusts the noise blanker level
SHIFT Shift function
WIDTH Width function
NOTCH Notch function
CONT Contour function
DNR Digital Noise Reduction function
PROC Adjusts Speech Processor Gain
MONI Adjusts the monitor level
DT-G Adjusts the input level during data communication
CH-D Frequency tuning in the pre-programmed steps
SPEED Adjusts keying speed
APF Audio Peak Filter function
PITCH Adjusts the CW pitch
SQL Adjusts the squelch level
TONE Selects the tone frequency
DCS Selects the DCS code
MCH Selects the memory channel
GRP Selects the memory group
Displays currently used functions.
TUNER Antenna tuner
ATAS Active Tuning Antenna System
ATT The attenuator is in use
SPLIT Running split operation
DUP Recalling duplex memories
[+] Plus shift
[-] Minus shift
IPO The receiver amplier is OFF
The receiver amplier is ON
The VOX function activates during data communi-
VOX The VOX function is in use
ENC The tone encoder is in use
DEC The tone decoder is in use
DCS The digital code squelch is in use
tFt liquid cryStAl diSplAy
A variety of information such as VFO-A/VFO-B frequencies, mode, S-meter will appear on the LCD.
Operating mode
MULTI knob operation
Mode (radio modulation form)
GPS signal capturing
Main control buttons
VFO-B data
Clarifier operation
ClockOperation frequency
Menu list
Memory list
Function menu
about the DisplaY

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