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FT-70DR/DE Advance Manual
If you suspect malfunction
Check the following items before requesting a repair.
The transceiver does not turn on.
Is the battery depleted?
Charge the battery pack after purchase, and when the transceiver has not been used for a long time.
The battery pack properly attached?
Refer to “Installing the Battery Pack” on the Operating Manual and securely install the battery pack.
Is the external power supply properly connected?
When using an external power supply, connect the external power supply adapter with a cigarette
lighter plug (SDD-13) or an external power cable (E-DC-6) to DC input jack.
Is the voltage of the battery pack or the external power supply correct?
Be sure that there is a charge left in the battery pack (do not completely discharge). Check that the
output voltage of the SDD-13 or the E-DC-6 is approximately 12V.
There is no sound.
Is the level of squelch (or S meter squelch) set too high?
Press the MONI/T-CALL switch and verify that you can hear white noise.
Adjust the level of squelch (or S meter squelch) when receiving a weak signal.
Is the volume low?
While pressing the VOL key, rotate the DIAL knob clockwise to increase the volume.
Is the tone squelch or DCS on?
When the tone squelch or DCS is on, the sound is not output until the transceiver receives a signal
containing the same tone frequency or DCS code set.
Is the C4FM digital mode on?
When the AMS function is on, the sound is not output until the transceiver receives a signal
containing the Analog FM mode.
Also, when the DG-ID function is on and set the DG-ID number to except for “00”, the sound is not
output until the transceiver receives a signal correspond to the two-digit DG-ID.
There is no transmission of radio waves.
Are you pressing the PTT switch properly?
Is the PTT lock on?
Is the Busy TX Block (BCLO function) on?
When the Busy TX Block (BCLO function) is on, transmission cannot be done when receiving a signal
even if the PTT is pressed. Wait until signal being received stops and then press the PTT switch.
Is the transmission frequency on a ham radio band?
Transmission cannot be performed on the AM Radio Broadcast Band/ Short Wave Radio Band/ FM
Radio Broadcast Band/ Air Band/ Information Radio Band.
Is the voltage of the battery pack or external power source correct?
Check the remaining charge on the battery pack.
In addition, using an inadequate power supply where voltage drops during transmission will prevent
the FT-70DR/DE from operating at full capability.
The keys or DIAL does not respond.
Is the Key Lock or DIAL Lock on?
The battery pack cannot be charged or battery power depletes immediately after
Is the battery pack being charged with a charger specified by Yaesu?
Charge the battery pack using the accessory battery charger (SAD-18B) or the rapid charge cradle
(SBH-28). When using an external power supply, use the external power supply adapter with a
cigarette lighter plug (SDD-13) or an external power cable (E-DC-6).
Is the battery pack in use exhausted?
If “CHGERR” appears on the LCD during the charging and the battery pack is not charged after a
lapse of 10 or more hours, stop charging the battery pack immediately. The battery pack is presumed
to be at the end of its service life, or defective. In this case, replace the battery pack with a new one.
Charge the battery pack within the temperature range from +5 °C to +35 °C (+41 °F to +95 °F).

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Yaesu FT-70DR Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 44 pagina's

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