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The FT-60R allows you to scan just the memory channels, the entire operating band, or a
portion of that band. It will halt on signals encountered, so you can talk to the station(s) on
that frequency, if you like.
Scanning operation is basically the same in each of the above modes. Before you begin,
take a moment to select the way in which you would like the scanner to resume scanning
after it halts on a signal.
Setting the Scan-Resume Technique
Three options for the Scan-Resume mode are available:
BUSY: In this mode, the scanner will halt on a signal it encounters. Two seconds after the
carrier has dropped because the other station(s) ceased transmission, the scanner
will resume. In the case of constant-carrier signals like Weather Station broadcasts,
the scanner will likely remain on this frequency indefinitely.
HOLD: In this mode, the scanner will halt on a signal it encounters. It will not restart
automatically; you must manually re-initiate scanning if you wish to resume.
TIME: In this mode, the scanner will halt on a signal it encounters, and will hold there for
five seconds. If you do not take action to disable the scanner within that time pe-
riod, the scanner will resume even if the stations are still active.
To set the Scan-Resume mode:
1. Press the
key, then press the
( )
key to enter the Set mode.
2. Rotate the DIAL knob to select Set Mode Item 35: RESUME.
3. Press the
key momentarily to enable adjustment of this
Set Mode Item.
4. Rotate the DIAL knob to select the desired scan-resume mode.
5. When you have made your selection, press the PTT key to save
the new setting and exit to normal operation.
The default condition for this Set Mode Item is “BUSY.”
The FT-60R provides two VFO scanning functions: “Manual VFO Scanning” and “Pro-
grammed VFO Scanning.”
Manual VFO Scan
1. Select the VFO mode by pressing the
key, if necessary.
2. Press and hold in either the
key for one second to initiate
upward or downward scanning, respectively.
3. If and when the scanner encounters a signal strong enough to open the squelch, the
scanner will halt temporarily; the decimal point of the frequency display will blink
during this “Pause” condition.

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