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Section 97.401(d) of the regulations governing amateur radio in the United States permit emergency amateur
communications on the spot frequency of 5167.5 kHz by stations in (or within 92.6 km of) the state of Alaska.
This frequency is only to be used when the immediate safety of human life and/or property are threatened, and
is never to be used for routine communications.
The FT-450 includes the capability for transmission and reception on 5167.5 kHz under such emergency condi-
1. Press and hold the [F] button for one second to
enter the Menu mode. The “ ” icon will ap-
pear on the display.
2. Rotate the [DSP/SEL] knob to select the menu
item “EXT MNU”.
3. Press the [DSP/SEL] knob to enable adjustment
of this menu item. The “ ” icon will be blink-
4. Rotate the [DSP/SEL] knob to select “ON” to ex-
pand the menu items.
5. Press the [DSP/SEL] knob. The “ ” icon re-
turns to appear continuously.
6. Press and hold the [F] button for one second to
save the new setting and return to normal opera-
7. Press and hold the [F] button for one second to
enter the Menu mode again. The “ ” icon
will appear on the display.
8. Rotate the [DSP/SEL] knob to select the menu
item “EMERGEN”.
9. Press the [DSP/SEL] knob to enable adjustment
of this menu item. The “ ” icon will be blink-
10.Rotate the [DSP/SEL] knob to select “ON”.
11.Press the [DSP/SEL] knob. The “ ” icon re-
turns to appear continuously.
12.Press and hold the [F] button for one second to
save the new setting and return to normal opera-
1. Press the [MW/V/M] button, if necessary, to enter
the Memory mode. A memory channel number will
appear in display.
2. Rotate the [DSP/SEL] knob to select the emer-
gency channel (“MEM-EMG”), which is found be-
tween channels “MEM-P2U” and “US5-001.”
If you partitioned your memory channels into
Memory Groups via Menu Item “MEM GRP”, then
select the memory channel group “M-12-EM”
which is the emergency channel.
3. To exit from emergency channel and return to the
VFO mode, just press the [MW/V/M] button.
The receive-mode CLARIFIER functions normally while using this frequency, but variation of the transmit
frequency is not possible. Activation of “MEM-EMG” or “M-12-EM” does not enable any other out-of-amateur-
band capability on the transceiver. The full specifications of the FT-450 are not necessarily guaranteed on
this frequency, but power output and receiver sensitivity should be fully satisfactory for the purpose of emer-
gency communication.
In an emergency, note that a half-wave dipole cut for this frequency should be approximately 45’3” on each
leg (90’6” total length). Emergency operation on 5167.5 kHz is shared with the Alaska-Fixed Service. This
transceiver is not authorized for operation, under the FCC’s Part 87, for aeronautical communications.

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