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Speedy & Stable MIPS Processor
New ET Series uses the powerful Broadcom chipset.
Webbrowsing and HbbTV
Don’t only view the broadcasted channels but freely
surf demanding contents on the web sites
over the world and HbbTV interactive services.
The variety of web-TV channels can be reached
through the internet connectivity.
Various Downloadable Plug-ins
Maximize the usability of your set-top box by using
unlimited plug-ins in a easy way. Functionalities
can be set up by you on your own demand.
Supports Android and iPhone/iPad Apps
User-oriented ET Series supports multiple Android
and iPhone/iPad apps. Go to app store and find the
way to enjoy contents on other screens but on only
on the TV in the living room.
Auto Scalable Screen for TV and Skin
Screen for TV and Skin can be automatically
Various USB Tuner Supported
Expand the capability of receiving TV channels with
external USB-typed DVB-T/C tuners.
(Needed accessories are sold separately)
Wireless LAN via USB Dongle Supported
Wireless LAN support will help you to configure your
network system with
internet connectivity according to your facility.
(Needed accessories are sold separately)
Detachable Tuner
User can easily configure the tuners according
to his/her needs.Combinated use of different
front-end types like DVB-2 with DVB-C or DVB-C
with DVB-T is also possible.
Big Volume Memory
Enjoy the enough power of storage. The increased
memory allows you to maximize the capability
of your set-top box.
Various external data communication
methods are supported.
(Needed accessories are sold separately)
Bluetooth will provide you an easy way to
connect your existing bluetooth devices.
(Needed accessories are sold separately)
This makes the operation much easier
while the traditional Universal RCU features
are also supported.
(Needed accessories are sold separately)
Keyboard and Mouse
Existing keyboard and mouse can be used
via USB.
(Needed accessories are sold separately)
DVD Player
DVD tile can be played via external DVD-ROM.
(Needed accessories are sold separately)
Multimedia Player
The variety of media file formats such as
MP3, MP4, AVI and MKV can be played
through built-in CODECs.
Network File Sharing
Contents on remote devices like PC or
other ET Series can be viewed via
Ethernet network.
Picture in Picture function is supported.
Luxury Slim RCU
The luxury and slim RCU with
high-performance is provided.
This guarantees high-quality user experience.
Main Features
Note: Above specications are subject to change without prior notice.
ET 6500
Open Source Based Platform
It is running on open source firmware so
you can experience and benefit from
variety of plug-ins whenever you want.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Xtrend ET 6500

Xtrend ET 6500 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 64 pagina's

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