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Getting Started - Xtreamer Mobile Aiki 5”
Welcome to the world of affordable smartphone on a 5" size.
It maybe look to you huge at the first few hours of usage. We get this report also from our beta
testers. The beauty of it is that once after 2 or 3 days of usage you will not be able to go back to
smaller screens and it will probably be perfectly matching your daily use.
At the same time we are saying to you, welcome to the world of Android Ice cream sandwich
based Smartphones. And if we already feel like welcoming you, we should say, welcome to the
world of using a smartphone with 2 hands. Unlike IOS iPhone which is designed to be used
entirely with 1 hand and 1 finger doing it all, get used to use our mobile with both hands. One
hand to hold and the other to perform the various tasks and navigation. This is how Android is
designed and this is a requirement once you have such a big screen asset to control.
Once you will get the phone into your hands, and in order to maximize its potential and make
immediate full use of it to its maximum power we recommend you to take the time and follow
this step by step guide. We write this guide in a very casual informal way, we assume you know
nothing about Android based Smartphones, but even if you are, you can still benefit from it as it
will give you an insight as to the company philosophy of the product.
We also hate reading long articles and never ending guides. This should be the one guide you
should really read and even print. Once done reading, and following it in careful detail, you will
be able to explain yourself and maybe even to your friends why you decided to buy an Xtreamer
Mobile phone. The device that should work as Android should work from the outset.
It seems that you just need to make a decision. Make it now. Whether you are going to waste the
same or double the time spread over multiple instances of trying setting up the device yourself
(not following our guide) or, you are going to follow this guide and save you much hassle and
headache and do it in 1 go following us step by step. Anyway, its a process should be done one
time or another (the sooner the better for you) and we highly recommend you to spend the time
at least reading it once.
Wise decision. You already here. Good‚ lets carry on.
As a preamble to this guide we should bring to your attention some amazing facts about Android.
Things you know, your heard or you hear for the first time.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Xtreamer Aiki 5

Xtreamer Aiki 5 Aanvulling / aanpassing - English - 17 pagina's

Xtreamer Aiki 5 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 6 pagina's

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